
Unlocks the door to the truth of life!

If ever there was a time the world needed this book it is now!

With many people experiencing personal and professional pain, tragedy, trauma and crises - through the authors experience and practical steps, The KEY to LIFE will guide you to recover quickly and lead you back to loving life!

Author: Denyse Saunders

Live the life you desire!

Did you grow up believing like I did, that if you were very, very good and did very good things for other people all the time and worked really, really hard and always put others before yourself, that then good things would happen to you?

This is what I always believed and that is what I did. But the strangest thing happened, bad things happened to me. So I thought I better work harder and do more for others and be really, really perfect at everything and for everyone – the perfect mother, perfect wife, perfect daughter, perfect best friend, perfect employer, perfect at everything and help everyone and never think about what I want.

But that still did not work as bad things still kept happening to me. Everyone around me was always shocked when they happened because they all said, ‘But you are such a good, kind, loving and generous person, you don’t deserve this. But you are strong and perfect and you will get over this thing.’

Every time I did get over that bad thing and every time I did turn it around to be a positive in my life. But they still kept happening… until I learned how to understand exactly why and what that so called bad thing was.

First the most freeing aha moment for me was when I finally accepted that bad things do happen to good people!

I realised that most people during their lifetime face a crisis or trauma or some kind of tragedy that we think we will never be able to recover from.

Then that is when I finally got, what I had actually known all along and in fact what my spirit guides had been drumming into me for a very long time, The TRUE KEY to LIFE!

Yes I had recovered from each bad thing. I had not allowed each thing to stop me in my tracks or to stop me from living life to its fullest or stop me from achieving and being successful. Because I actually knew intuitively what to do and then spirit asked to work with me so together we would help heal others souls, so you too would know and understand The KEY to LIFE.

There is total freedom in knowing, understanding and applying

My life, like most of us, has been the yin and the yang, the success and the failure, the love and the fear, the high and the low, the joy and the despair…

I have been a model, a makeup artist, a hairdresser, a stylist, an agent, an editor and a business owner most of my career - looked up to others and a mentor to many - won sprinting races and been in a wheel chair for months - had robust health and been at deaths door - compere, choreographer, director and producer of thousands of shows - have won and have lost - surrounded by hundreds of people clapping for me, I have felt the isolation of fame - rich and poor - owned my home and rented - travelled the world - stayed in the London Hilton and a shack in an isolated place- studied and gained diplomas in journalism and marketing - learnt about life through experience - dined at sumptuous restaurants around the world like the Paris Ritz and wondered where my next meal is going to come from - received an award for my success in business and stayed awake all night wondering how to pay the bills the next day - been on a cruise ship, in a dinghy and sailed around the Marlborough Sounds and drank the best champagne on a yacht in the middle of Sydney Harbour on New Years Eve - trained children, teenagers, mothers and grandmothers - tutored marketing, modelling and motivation - had a baby son, James who is now 30 years, lost two children, had a hysterectomy and now grandmother of 2 gorgeous little girls - been married and divorced and proposed to by a world known star- danced on the stage, acted in theatre, modelled on the catwalk - been laid up flat on my bed after a back operation that went wrong - worked 16 hour days for years without a day off and spent three weeks travelling overseas purely for pleasure - interviewed hundreds and been interviewed by hundreds - casting director for international film crews and a director of several companies - have three wardrobes of clothes and not known what to wear that day - published in a top selling marketing book and editor of two style magazines - trained many international models and runner-ups in Miss World - taught visually impaired, deaf, physically and mentally challenged men and women - raised funds for over 40 charities and managed my own businesses - had over 4000 employees with big glamorous offices and worked alone from my office at home - worked, partied and dined with television, sports, fashion and movie stars - a guest speaker for hundreds of organizations - a television and radio presenter - modelled and taught modelling - an agent to actors, talent, makeup artists, photographers, hairstylists and models - owned and successfully managed a large model agency and grooming school - fashion and beauty editor for over 30 years - courted by the media and vilified by the media - received thousands of lovely thank-you cards and letters and received one or two nasty vile ones - had gorgeous wealthy men ask me out and sat alone at home - been the only female at meetings and laughed and cried with my girlfriends - lost one of my close friends in a car accident while my son on the same day won the photographers shoot a cover Asia/Pacific competition at age 17yrs - worked hard for my money and had it all stolen only to have to start again – then years later made .... for something that was not even my debt and once again had to start again but this time much older so it was harder- lived with others and lived alone –
had many, many living off me for years on end - trained corporate men and women and taught children how to gain self confidence - sat in board meetings and attended many cocktail parties - judged numerous competitions and watched others judging my protégées - written 4 books and a regular columnist for ten magazines and newspapers - passed all my ballet and speech examines and failed miserably at debating in front of hundreds - worked with top model agencies around the world and produced more fashion parades than I can remember -raped at 16 years of age with a knife held to my neck and threatened that they were going to kill me and chased and stalked by some horrible men and have experienced the passion of true love - I am a vegetarian, an avid reader, an environmentalist and don't ever let me see you hurt an animal or a child - given everything I have to others and received some wonderful gifts - been loved by a wonderful supportive family and had my love taken for granted by others - prayed, meditated and pleaded with God - receive messages and guidance from the spirit world - experience unusual out of this world happenings that some may think are weird or crazy but are very real for me - walked through a snake ridden jungle and danced at Miss World - talked to native people in an Asian jungle and sat with supermodels - I have been up and I have been down but through it all I have lived, learnt and loved and still have a long and exciting journey ahead of me.

What I learnt early on was to turn each of the negative experiences around, so that I not only recovered from them without drugs, alcohol, smoking, over eating or self harming… I turned each experience into a positive – that not only helped me evolve, but often helped thousands of others as well.

Was it handed to me on silver plate? No!
Was it easy? No!
Did I do? Yes!
Can you do it too? Yes!

How do you come back from…
Being raped with a knife held at your neck and threatened to be killed?
Losing two babies?
Separation and divorce?
Having all your hard earned money stolen?
Having one of your close friends die in a car crash?
Being so ill that you faced deaths door?
Financial ruin that was not even your debt?
An operation that went wrong that left you near paralysed?
Public humiliation and media vilification because of someone else’s untruths?
Being lied about, without the opportunity to defend your self?
Extreme jealously because of your looks, life and success?
Being suicidal and praying every day to die?

How do your recover from any one of those experiences and live to love another day? I know, because everyone of those things has happened to me and more.

So, I understand why spirit has asked me to help heal others souls and why I have had those horrific experiences. Because in order to help others, you have to understand their pain, their loss, their grief.

The KEY is not to allow the crisis or trauma to destroy or define you and to see it for what it is, which is simply an experience.

What I have learnt through these experiences and through the loving guidance of spirit is that life does not always seem fair, or that justice will be done…for in many cases it is not.

But it is how you handle each experience. That is the difference – not that terrible thing that happened to you– but how you handled it so you could grow, evolve and carry on to become a better version of you.

The other important thing I have learned is that it does not matter one iota what others think, say or do about you.

People love to have opinions about others; especially those in the public eye or who have attained some form of success. But they do not know what is going on in that person’s life; they only see the surface stuff – not the facts.

Let them walk in your shoes for one day – then see if they continue to judge you.

Let them cast the first stone, who has not sinned. They can’t, because we all have (what we consider) made mistakes, or said or done things that we are not proud of, or wished we could turn back the clock to relive and change an experience and do it differently, everyone has skeletons in their closet. This is life - that is being human.

But none of this matters – it is how you turn it around – it is how you turn lemons into lemonade that truly matters.

The man who does things makes mistakes,
but he never makes the biggest mistake of all – doing nothing!
Benjamin Franklin

I have reinvented myself several times over and climbed back up the ladder of success after sliding down the snake more times than I can remember.

I have been up and down, but I tell you one thing, on my deathbed I will honestly be able to say, “I lived life to its fullest, I truly participated in life. I didn’t sit on the sidelines wishing and hoping it was different, I took risks, sometimes I fell on my own sword, but nine times out of ten I succeeded!”

This had nothing to do with anyone else, for this is my journey of self discovery, my journey of becoming a better version of me. It was not and is not a competition with others; it is me being a better me! Then in turn that assists other do the same.

The same goes for you, this has nothing to do with anyone else; for this is your journey of self discovery, your journey of becoming a better version of you. It is not a competition with others; it is you being a better you! Then in turn this will assist others do the same.

No one can take the journey for you; this is something you have to do for yourself.

The other absolutely vital thing I know for sure is that you are a very special person. You are a unique, gorgeous, beautiful being and God loves everything about you even if you don’t! (I use the term God for that is my name for the unseen energy that created us and we are a part of and all connected to, but you will have your own name, such as the Universe, source, light etc).

The other thing I know without a shadow of a doubt is that there is never any situation or person that is so bad that you want to kill yourself over. I have been down that road before – when a time in my life I prayed every day to God to please let me die as I hated my life so much. But every day I did not die, as God had other plans for me and I am glad he did!

If your life or situation seems so bad to you at the moment that you want to die – think again – because there is a way out and it is not dieing!

Ask, and it will be given you;
seek, and you will find;
knock, and it will be opened to you.
Luke 11:9

So if you truly want to understand The KEY to LIFE you MUST LEARN to like and love yourself and know without a shadow of a doubt that you do deserve the best of everything life has to offer.

I have always known The KEY to LIFE (I did not know at that time that this is what
it was called but I knew how to use it) that is what has been my reason for overcoming many debilitating experiences. And I have certainly had many opportunities to practice it over and over again.

Knowing The KEY to LIFE didn’t always stop these terrible things from happening - bad things do happen to good people – but knowing The KEY to LIFE did ensure that I got through them without killing myself, going on Prozac, drinking myself into oblivion, taking drugs to forget, abusing another or myself, gambling mine or someone else’s money away or smoking to calm my nerves…

Knowing The KEY to LIFE and applying it kept me calm, focussed, positive, healthy, happy, and loving (even through the horrific experience) with theability to let go, close that door and open a new door of opportunity to be the best that I can be!

The KEY to LIFE will show you how to not only get through the experience, but how to recover and move on from the experience. And more importantly how to turn it into a positive experience, regardless how awful and horrific the experience was or is.

Once you understand The KEY to LIFE you will not only get through whatever trauma life throws at you. You will embrace the experience and see its greatest potential which is the opportunity to change, grow and evolve and become a better version of you.

Once you understand The KEY to LIFE you will know how to use the unseen spiritual force to be, do and have anything you desire, that will make your never ending journey more joyful, happy, powerful, inspiring, uplifting and loving.

The KEY to LIFE makes it all so very easy once you know how to unlock the door.

This too will pass,
for life is fluid and
move forward it must.

When a crisis hit's you,
become still and breathe deeply.

Count your blessings and
be grateful for what you do have.

This is not a test or a lesson,
it is simply an experience.

An experience only has
the meaning that you give it.

You choose to see it as growth,
then that is what it will be.

If you choose to see it as failure,
then that is what it will be.

Only you can choose what
the experience means to you.

You want it, you can have it!
You can have anything you truly desire.
Look younger, beautiful, handsome, slimmer, vibrant, sexier…
Feel assured, energetic, desirable, fantastic, confident, courageous…
Be happy, healthy, free, joyful, peaceful, calm, powerful, loved and loving…
Have great financial wealth, huge professional success and personal happiness…

How? You ask.
By being the best of you!
Being the person that you truly are.
By being the person that you came to earth to be.
You may have forgotten who that is, but once you remember, your life will be all you want it to be and more.

It does not matter what terrible, horrific, bad experience has happened or is happening to you right now (remember every person goes through some sort of bad experience(s) to some degree or other in their lifetime).

We have to experience the bad to know what good is, experience fear to know what love is, experience sorrow to know what joy is, experience loss to know what gain is, experience anger to know what peace is, experience less to know what more is, experience pain to know what painless is, experience sadness to know what happy is.

Life will always be up and down; to believe otherwise is deluding your self. If you truly never experience any down moments in your life, then you are not living you are simply existing. And you have probably shut down all your feelings and emotions. Which means you are no longer in touch with the truth of who you are – which is your soul.

You are a spiritual being having
a human physical experience.
You chose to have this human experience
at this moment in time to evolve your soul.

Your soul, which is the truth of
who you are wanted to experience
the variations of living in your
physical body even though it is
denser and heavier than being only spirit.

This human experience creates different
states of growth for your soul than the
freer, lighter, joyful and loving realm of spirit.

Which is such a terrible waste of a life – for you came to earth at this precise time in evolution to grow and evolve. Your soul does this through varied experiences (good and bad) from which it can grow and evolve.

If you don’t allow yourself to feel every emotion through varied experiences how can you grow and evolve?

If you were always bubbly, happy and chirpy and every thing was perfect in your life – what would you gain from being here?

You are not your body or even your mind you are your soul that has come to earth in your current body and with your mind at this precise time to grow and evolve your soul – nothing more, nothing less.

So not to do what you came here to do is a great sadness and only means that you will
come back and back until your soul evolves until it goes home to God forever.

Human life was never meant to be a
series of tests we have no hope of passing.
Rather it is an infinite kaleidoscope of
opportunities tailored to bring out our innate abilities.
We are here to make the most of our life physically,
mentally and spiritually. We are here to experience
life beyond the limitations of being clothes in flesh
and blood, so that we can escape the endless
roller-coaster of hope and despair. This is the journey.
This is your journey.

Dr. Wayne W. Dwyer

So embrace every experience good and bad and see it for what it is, which is simply another experience for you to become a better version of you.

The KEY to LIFE step by step process will get you through these so called bad experiences with minimum distress so that you will come out the other side better, stronger and a more evolved you.

The greatest gift from any experience
is the opportunity to re-create yourself anew.

It is at this moment when you are on the threshold of opening a new door that you can create all that you desire your life to be.

The truth of who you are is a
beautiful, loving, joyful light
that moves with the speed of thought
that creates with the speed of thought.

You have only borrowed your physical
body for the short time you chose
to be on the earth plane.

Your beautiful light, bright soul
is the truth of who you are.
This never dies, it will always be.

When you are thinking positive,
loving, joyful thoughts then you
are honouring the truth of who you are.
Be true to yourself.
The Goddesses

The KEY to LIFE will show you how to open the new door to your new powerful, positive experience.

Whilst I personally receive much guidance from spirit and my writing is inspired from them. This is not airy, fairy stuff – it is real and it works – I am living proof, as are many others who have discovered The KEY to LIFE.

Are you willing to spread your wings and soar…if so come fly with me.

'Come to the edge!' Life said
'We are afraid!' They said
'Come to the edge!' Life said
They came
It pushed them
And they flew...

Guillaume Appollinaire 1880-1918

Your life purpose is to:
Live a life with purpose.

For each of you that may be different.
So long as it is true to you and you
follow your heart and soul, and live
your life to the full, then you are
living your life’s purpose.

Do not waste your life wishing.
Do what makes your heart sing
and your soul feel alive
with the joy of life.

Follow your dreams, act on your dreams
and you surely have lived a life of purpose.
The Goddesses