

Being beautiful, attractive, youthful,
desirable, sexy, energetic, vibrant...
Being the best you can be no matter what your
age, height, size or shape is attainable!

Embrace and celebrate who you are by bringing out the
most of your inner and outer self to
look, feel and be the best that you can be!

Beauty should begin in the heart and soul,
otherwise cosmetics are useless.

CoCo Chanel

Author: Denyse de Berry
Best selling author of Postively Fabulous in your 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s...,
Being a Teenager and Age Defying Lifestyle,
as well as a well known and respected TV, radio and style guide columnist
Denyse has worked in the fashion, beauty, media and modeling industries for over 30 years.
Denyse owned one of the top model agencies representing over 4,000 models,
and has taught thousands of men and women how to look and be the best that they can be,
including Miss World winners and international models.

INSIDEOUT is a 30 day easy to apply
and follow step-by-step guide
that will have you looking younger,
being healthier and living longer!

Simply: Read one chapter a day and implement
this step into your daily routine -
within 30 days you will be the best that you can be!!
Then watch others watching you!
While they ask, 'what is your secret to youthfullness?'

If we did all the things we are capable of doing we would
truly astound ourselves.

Thomas Edison


Guided ancient wisdom to looking, feeling & being youthful

CHAPTERS 1-20: scroll down to read

Chapters 21-30 will posted in May


Day 1 / Step 1

Love Yourself

G. Love yourself enough to try these steps of ancient wisdom. Love yourself enough to be the best that you can be. Love yourself enough to devote 30 days to improving your life forever. Please, please, please give yourself 30 days–that’s all it takes.

InSideOut is a 30 step - 30 day program that will change your life forever –you will regain your zest for life, become more peaceful, joyful, happy, contented, vibrant, energetic, glowing, healthy and yes even look and feel younger.

All we ask at this stage today is that you love yourself enough to commit 30 days to caring, nurturing and learning these ancient points of living, that have been around since life on earth began.

Once you learn them, try them and incorporate them into your daily life you will be the best that you were always meant to be!

Love yourself enough to invest in yourself for 30 days.

The greatest gift that God gave you is your ability to love. Love of others, love of life, but above all, love of yourself.

D. Thank you guides, this is so wonderful. But do we love ourselves enough to commit for 30 days?

G. You did!

So have many others. You only need to see what they look like and how they live their lives, and they come from all parts of the world. Many have embraced this way of life without receiving these 30 steps; they have and do simply life this way intuitively.

But many humans, in fact 90% do not live this way, instead they run around in ever increasing circles trying to find the magic cure to looking younger and healthier. They try all sorts of things and spend great amounts of money doing it, when in fact they can do it for themselves.

Thus we are now creating this easy to follow 30 steps - 30 day plan that everyone can do, and we have named it InSideOut as it explains perfectly what it is!

D. How do humans learn to love themselves when so many have such low esteem?

G. Learning to love yourself is learning to give some time everyday to you – to your needs whether they be big or small,

Loving yourself means saying no to situations that are harmful or abusive to you, but saying yes to situations that are beneficial for you – like committing 30 days to completing the InSideOut program that will transform your life for the better.

Loving yourself means being the best that you can be, as when you are at your best then everyone else around you benefits. As not only do you look good and feel good within which shows in your face, body movements and actions, you smile more often, you forgive more readily, you encourage others and you actually have time for others.

Loving yourself is taking care of your self which will in turn benefit others.

God wants you to love yourself enough to give yourself all that you desire – it all starts and ends with you!

D. Thank you

G. You are welcome. We love to help –we are here to serve –we love you all very, very much –remember that each and every one of you is love and is loved by God. You are energy, you are light, you are love!

We love you!

God loves you!

So, please love yourself!

For now we are done, until tomorrow.

D. Thank you!

Literally Love Life!

D. Love is the gift you give yourself!

The greatest gift you can give yourself is to learn to love yourself.

It is really the only thing the matters, is to truly love the person that you are, body, mind and soul.

Love is the miracle that cures everything in your life, big and small.

Loving yourself is not vanity, arrogance, or acting like you are the best thing since sliced bread, for that is fear. Truly loving yourself is having self respect for the miracle of you!

Loving yourself is true inner and outer beauty. The way you feel about life shows on your face, shows in your body...the way you move, act and interact with others...an angry, bitter, selfish person looks old, acts old and moves like an old person...a happy, joyful, loving person looks young, acts young and moves like a young person.

Love not fear!

Every emotion we feel, every decision we ever (personally and professionally) make comes from at its deepest level either fear or love!

All human actions are motivated at their deepest level by one of two emotions, fear and love!

Fear is the energy which contracts, hoards, harms, clings to and clutches, grasps, rankles, attacks, closes down, draws in, runs and hides.

Love is the energy which expands, let’s go, soothes, amends, reveals, shapes, heals, opens up and sends out.

Are you in a place called fear or a place called love?

Where are you coming from as you encounter life?

Your soul vibrates and sends out what you are, if you are fearful not only will your soul contract but also it will show in your face and body, ageing you! But if you love, your soul expands and your body and face will look relaxed and youthful!

Loving yourself is never criticizing your self!

First and foremost you have to let go of fear, there is nothing to fear except fear itself. Fear is self destructive. Fear will keep you hidden from the world, will stop you from enjoying all the wonderful opportunities in the world. Fear will stop you from meeting new people, having new experiences, trying a new hairstyle, wearing different clothes, buying new makeup, wearing sensuous lingerie. Fear will stop you from being the best that you can be!

Fear and guilt are the only enemies of humans

Let it go, keeping hold of all your fears hurts no one but yourself! Pack fear up where it belongs in a steel lined box, lock it up and then throw away the key, so fear can never stop you again being the best that you can be!

I believe we all come into this life with one major goal, to love and be loved! Each one of us is seeking love! Generally that is love of a significant other.

But you cannot give to another what you do not have, if you do not first love yourself, then you do not have love to give others! You can not expect to receive it in return, if you have first not given it to yourself.

The purpose of a relationship is not to find completion,

but to share your completion.
Not to find joy, but share your joy.
Not to find happiness, but to share your happiness.

If you do not know where, what and how to love, start with this most powerful question, in any given situation ask yourself What would love do now?”

Whenever you are about to make a decision (big or small), ask yourself is this coming from fear or love. STOP and only make your decision based on love, love of yourself, love of others and love of life!

When you make every decision based on love you will see miraculous changes not only in your life but also in your physical body as you look more attractive, vibrant and youthful.

Step One: Love Yourself
Love yourself enough to commit to the INSIDEOUT 30 day program to transform your life

Day 2 / Step 2

Peace of Mind

G. This is one of the most important steps to learn. To have peace of mind not only shows in your outer face and body, but it is a feeling, deep in your soul. Peace of mind heals your health, so that your body radiates health.

Peace of mind soothes a troubled soul – heals a broken heart, mends a saddened body.

Yet so many humans do not have this basic right of all souls in the world – the right to happiness and peace of mind.

You do not have to wait to have peace of mind – you do not have wait until you lose weight – or give up smoking – or find a lover – or become healthy…as these things will come when you have peace of mind.

The mind – your mind is incredibly powerful. It is what and how you think that attracts what comes to you in this life. Therefore if your mind is troubled, worried, confused, and indecisive then this is what you will attract.

If you do not wish to attract confusion, indecision, lack of, into your life – do not let your mind be confused – do not let your mind be indecisive – do not let your mind worry – do not let your mind think less of you.

You can and do control what you think. So think positive all the time. Turn every negative thought you have into a positive thought.

The mind is incredibly powerful – you cannot see it, touch it or even feel it. But you know that it is there – you know you have one – so use it as God intended you to use it and that is to create whatever it is that you choose.

If you desire good health – think only healthy thoughts.

If you desire to give up smoking – think only about being healthy within.

If you desire to be slimmer – think only of the size you aim to be.

If you desire to look younger – think only of what you will look like.

If you desire to have more energy – think only of all the things you can do.

Your mind is powerful, that is why step 2 is about having peace of mind, as this step alone will create amazing results in your life – in your body – in your soul.

Harness your mind – think only positive thoughts think only of what you desire, this alone will attract them to you.

For now we are done, until tomorrow.

Controlled Thoughts

D. Since you are going to be thinking anyway, you might as well control them

Thought is not something that you can see, taste, touch or feel. But it is one of the most powerful forces in the universe and you know you have them very second of every day.

Thought is energy. Thought is limitless.

Since you are going to be thinking anyway you might as well control what you think, as what you think you attract. Like attracts like. Think positive thoughts and you will attract positive things into your life. But think negative thoughts and you will attract negative things into your life.

Once a thought is out there you cannot take it back, it will always be there. However is does depend on how often you have that thought as to what will come into your life. If it is just a fleeting thought and you dismiss as nothing, then nothing much will come to you from that thought. But if you have a constant thought about something sooner of later you will manifest that into your life as like attracts like!

Positive thoughts attracts positive outcomes

Negative thoughts attract negative outcomes

Unfortunately for the majority if human beings they naturally think negative thoughts from the time they waken until the time they go to sleep, then they wonder why things are not going right in their life, like attracts like!

Thoughts are energy like a radio signal; but that energy has to go somewhere and land somewhere well it comes right back at you!

A thought not often thought will dissipate by the time the energy gets back to you, that is why you do not need to worry about a fleeting thought. But imagine if you continued to think about something often, how powerful that thought would become and what it would create in your life.

Cultivate positive people around you and banish negative people from your life

As thought is so powerful, other people’s thoughts can impact on you. Therefore do not be around negative people as they can bring you down. Have you ever walked into a room and you could cut the air with a knife –even when nothing has been said? Or the air around a certain person always seems to feel heavy and depressive? That is their negative energy that comes from negative thoughts.

Those people always seem to have problems or some kind of constant drama going on in their life. They are creating their own dramas by their negative thoughts. But you do not need to get caught up in their negative energy. Be around happy, positive people as it will rub off on to you!

What you think about often, you will become

So be careful what you wish for as it might (It will) just happen. Keep thinking negative, nasty, jealous, manipulative thoughts and your life will reflect that in your health, finances, relationships, and your physical body, quite frankly in how you look. Negative people eventually look like what they think. It reflects in their face and body –becoming old and aged before their time. Why on earth would you want this when you can have the opposite just by controlling what you think?

People that generally think positive thoughts look younger, more vibrant and happier

Positive people’s skin, face, hair and body is healthy and looks younger, their life flows easier, money comes to them, relationships are balanced and happy. Positive people and are just great to be around, their energy welcomes you, making you feel good about yourself. Positive people create the life they want simply by thinking positive thoughts.

We cannot stop thinking (unless you are meditating) our mind is at it all day. So why think negative thoughts when you can turn every thought in to a positive one that will then create a more positive balanced life. Life will be easier for you in every aspect of it.

You may think that you cannot control your thoughts, that they just pop into your head without any responsibly from you. WRONG! You create every thought. Once the thought is out there it is YOUR thought and the consequences are yours and yours alone.

No one can ever control your thoughts, except you!

So as you are thinking any way all the time, you might as well start having a bit more control and power over your thoughts!

How to do this is much easier than most things in life and far more powerful than most things in life. Start by taking more notice of what you actually think throughout a day. You may like to buy a journal and write down what you think.

For instance have the journal by your bed, on waking in the morning. What was your first thought? Write it down in the journal. Do not change it yet; write it down as you thought it. Then evaluate it –was it positive or negative? If positive great! But if negative - think how you could turn that negative thought into a positive one? Then write that down.

When you wake the next morning, control your thoughts and think the positive thoughts not the usual original negative thought.

Then start doing this with other thoughts throughout the day. You will be amazed at the wonderful positive things that will start coming into your life.

Like attracts like. Positive attracts positive.

Your mind is constantly chatting to you. Boy don’t we think some strange things?

So what if you think really nasty, horrible things about someone will something nasty happen to them? If you keep thinking it yes it will give them a nasty ”hit”, but it will be worse for you as the thoughts come ricocheting back to you, creating havoc in your life.

It is simply not worth trying to get revenge on others as you are the one that will come off second best. If they really did something really awful to you they will have to answer for it somewhere along the way as that is the law of the universe. So you do not have to think or do anything nasty back to them as they have it coming anyway without your help.

Let it go! It is better for your health, looks, mind and soul!

See the glass half full not half empty. See the beauty in life, not the ugliness. Feel the joy in life, not the drudgery. Smell the roses, not the compost. Taste the sweet, not the sour. Feel love, not fear.

Know that you can create positive outcomes in every aspect of your life (mental, emotional, material and physical) simply by controlling your thoughts and making every thought a positive one! Then watch miracles happen in your life every day!

Step One: Love Yourself

Love yourself enough to commit to the INSIDEOUT 30 day program to transform your life

Step Two: Peace of Mind

Change every negative thought to a positive one to create peace of mind

Day 3 / Step 3


G. Your body is designed to be moved daily. Not to live a sedentary lifestyle. Move it or lose it! is a human saying. But there is great truth in this. If you do not use the beautiful body form that God gave you, it will age prematurely and wither up and die before its time.

To keep young and healthy is to exercise this beautiful body and please remember that every body is beautiful, as God made each and every one of you this way.

So please do not abuse this beautiful body by not exercising it. Maintain it at peak condition by moving it every day with some form of exercise.

Our choice for you is walking. Walking half an hour a day will keep your joints lubricated, your muscles firm, your organs working correctly. You will not only look fit and healthy on the outside, but your inside body will be healthy too.

Half an hour a day is not long out of a 24 hour day to maintain your body in peak working condition.

Please commit to this every day for the next 28 days and you will see and feel wonderful, invigorating results that will make you more vibrant, energetic and youthful.

However if walking is not to your liking, try other forms of exercise so long as it is consistent for at least half an hour a day.

We also believe yoga is a wonderful way to keep your body young and supple. Add another half an hour to your exercise regime for some yoga movements.

The ultimate being half an hour day of walking outdoors among nature if possible and then half an hour of yoga and you will stay fitter and healthier.

When you are out walking observe your surroundings. Walking is a form of meditation that not only retains your heath but it restores your soul.

So observe…smell the trees, the damp air, the crashing waves of the sea, listen to the birds singing, feel the sun or the rain, notice the droplets on each leaf, feel the crunch of stones beneath your feet…wherever you walk, enjoy the scenery…and breathe deeply.

Walking will soon become one of the most enjoyable parts of your day. It will not be regarded as exercise but an important, essential time of healing and energizing aspects to your daily life.

Please start today and walk half an hour every day. The results will speak for themselves.

For now we are done, until tomorrow.


Walk your Figure Back

D. Walking will get you fit and healthy and slow the ageing process too! It is one of the easiest exercises to do and all it takes to look great is 30 minutes a day!

Walking improves your cardiovascular fitness which reduces the risk of heart disease and a stroke. Your sleep will be much improved and your bones strengthened, it eases the pain of arthritis and builds strength and flexibility and as well as reduces depression, stress and anxiety and decreasing body fat and blood pressure, it can help prevent diabetes and increase your metabolism and energy levels as well as toning your body and strengthening your muscles. You will lose weight, have shapely toned legs and more vitality for life – you will simply look and feel younger!

What could be easier than a half hour walk every day, certainly the benefits out way not doing it?

Combining a walk every day with a healthy diet

is the key to successful long term weight loss

It is easier on your joints than jogging; no matter what your age it is a pleasant outdoor activity that can be enjoyed with family or friends or simply by yourself if you want some time out.

The rate at which your body burns fat depends on your starting weight, metabolism, how long you walk for and at what intensity you walk. The longer you walk for the more efficiently your body will burn fat. And this fat burning will last even after you have finished, up to 24 hours after your walk!

A brisk walk is best, but not necessary, as any walking is better than none. Walking longer rather than faster will lose weight. You don’t need to take weights with you as they are more likely to place strain on your ligaments and joints in the shoulders and may increase your blood pressure.

The most important thing is to wear a good pair of walking shoes, they are worth the investment. Ensure that they have some cushioning and that your toes do not press against the front of the shoe. And keep your toenails trimmed.

Wear comfortable well fitted breathable socks definitely without holes (this can cause blisters) and don’t have any bulky stitching across the toes or heals which can irritate your feet. Ensure your clothing is comfortable and if you are walking longer than 30 minutes, then you need to take a water bottle. If you are walking during the day put on a broad spectrum factor 15 or higher sunscreen and volia you are off and away! It is cheap and easy to do!

I personally like to walk early in the morning before sunrise (but then I am an early bird) taking my beautiful dog ‘Archer’ for his daily walk (taking your dog for a walk is good motivation). Walking at dusk can be just as wonderful an experience as walking at dawn…but then walking during the day provides another experience as well.

Self discipline or being motivated to go for that half hour walk is generally the key to getting started. If you find you are always making excuses for not going, ask a friend to accompany you and set a time each day to meet. You will feel guilty if you let your friend down. Walking is much like most exercise, the thought puts you off but once you are outside, striding along, you really enjoy it and feel and look so much better for the walk.

Start your daily walk slowly, warming up your body then start to go a bit faster, swing your arms naturally, not exaggerated, keep your shoulders relaxed and your head lifted with your chin tucked in and abdominals pulled in tight. You should be able to continue to breathe naturally and continue talking if walking with a partner.

I have walked for years…I walk alone, with my dog and /or with friends, I vary it often which makes it a new and stimulating experience every time… on the flat, up some hills, along a beach, beside a river, around a park, around city shops, around the block of houses, through the native bush, in a forest…When I go to a new place I go out for a walk as it gives me more of a sense of the place and it is amazing how much more you see and learn from walking around a new town or city than you do driving around it.

I love walking it puts me on a natural high, communing with nature, the birds, the sky, the tress, the flowers, the fresh air…

Step One: Love Yourself

Love yourself enough to commit to the INSIDEOUT 30 day program to transform your life

Step Two: Peace of Mind

Change every negative thought to a positive one to create peace of mind

Step Three: Exercise

Start today walking everyday for at least half an hour and observe the surrounding as you do

Day 4 / Step 4


G. What you put inside your body will determine what you look like on the outside of your body.

Therefore choose carefully the foods that you consume if you wish to live a long life, be healthy and

look youthful.

Foods are life – they are living and they give your body life.

Choose carefully as food is the source of how your life will be - whether it will be healthy or consumed with illness.

Food is to your beautiful body what oil is to cars.

We recommend a vegetarian diet consisting of raw organic vegetables and fruit, nuts, seeds and grains. Your body prefers foods in their natural state that is why God provided the earth with an abundant supply of these growing in the fertile ground of earth.

Unfortunately humans through many years, the ages have destroyed much of the goodness in the earth that these foods grow in. So choose your food carefully as you do not want pesticides and poisons in your beautiful body.

Eat organic whenever possible, your beautiful body will thank you for it and will reward you with many healthy years.

If you cannot and do not choose a vegetarian diet, then please only eat organic meat and fish and choose organic free range eggs and milk. Eat healthy to be healthy.

Water is the elixir of life; it is the so called fountain of youth. Without water your body will wither and die. Drink pure water daily to maintain a youthful mind, body and soul.

Water combined with fresh organic fruit, vegetables, grains, nuts and seeds will ensure the life you have chosen to live will be healthy.

Choose carefully everyday what you put in your beautiful body that God gave you and you choose to have.

Care for it as it is with you for an entire lifetime.

Care for it well and you will be vibrant, healthy, energetic and youthful. Start today without delay to maintain or regain a young, healthy body.

For now we are done until tomorrow.

Anti Ageing Foods

D. Studies have proven that the diet you choose will determine to a certain point how long your life will be and what quality it will be.

For instance something as simple as eating breakfast, no matter what kind of breakfast and getting enough sleep can add more than 11 years to a person life (by comparison, having both sets of parents and grandparents live to age 80 increases one’s life expectancy by only about 3 years).

Three regular meals throughout the day play an important part in anti-ageing but more importantly is having a low fat/sugar/salt diet. What once was thought to be considered disease of old age (heart disease, cancer, arthritis, diabetes and osteoporosis) are now viewed as “lifestyle diseases,” as many of these diseases are now being seen in people under 50 and even young children.


Not eating in between meals provides the body with time to process the meals and rest in between meals. Moderation and regularity create balance not extreme.

Normal Weight

Maintaining fairly steady weight throughout life seems to be more important than whether one is over or under weight. Data collected between 1962 and 1988 has revealed that gaining or losing even a moderate amount of weight over a long period of time raised ones risk of mortality.

Being moderately overweight in middle age apparently does not shorten one’s life span (this depends however on avoiding harmful side effects of being overweight, such as diabetes, hypertension and congestive heart disease).

Lifestyle Eating

Diets conjure up the wrong meaning, think of it as “lifestyle choice”, the way you have chosen to live your life rather than “I am going on a diet”, which invariably fails because it becomes simply too hard. A strict fat free diet is not healthy for us as we not made up of lettuce leaves.

Our body is made of a lot of protein, which is essential for almost every cell in our body. Skin cells are replaced every 24 days. Our muscles, hair, nails, skin and eyes are made of protein. So are the cells that make up the liver, kidneys, heart, lungs, nerves, brain and our sex glands.

The complete proteins that contain the eight essential amino acids that must be consumed in the diet as the body does not make them come from: meat, poultry, fish, eggs, milk, all diary, cheese and soy. Nuts and legumes contain some but not all the essential amino acids, these are known as incomplete proteins.

The body’s most active protein users are the hormones secreted from the various glands – thyroxin from the thyroid, insulin from the pancreas and a variety of hormones from the pituitary – as well as the soft tissue, hard-working major organs and muscles. They all require the richest stores of protein.

Next to water, protein is the most plentiful substance in our body!

In fact, if all the water were squeezed out of you, about half of your dry weight would be protein. How much protein you require each day is determined by your activity level. The higher your activity level, the more you will need to increase your dietary protein intake to repair and rebuild muscle.

If you are going through any type of stress (including the stresses of cancer, burns, radiation exposure or pregnancy) you need more and if you are susceptible to infections you may also need more protein.

So are carbohydrates the problem? Should we ban them from our diets?

Many people think of carbohydrates as the "white" foods—bread, pasta, potatoes, cake—but the nutrient group includes vegetables, whole grains, legumes and fruit. Healthy carbohydrates are full of great nutrients: fiber, vitamins and antioxidants. Processed carbohydrates, cakes, biscuits and white bread generally carry few nutrients and break down quickly in the body.

Sugar or bread might incite a craving for more of the same, you can't get hooked on carbohydrates but there is a powerful drive to eat them. The only way your brain can make serotonin—the key chemical that lifts mood—is through your intake of carbohydrates.

Women's brains naturally contain less serotonin than men's, when we try to remove carbohydrates from our diets, we can become anxious, depressed, and irritable and have trouble concentrating. When you have those feelings and you've been depriving yourself of carbohydrates, you begin to crave them in order to make yourself feel better.

Sugar Overload

I believe sugar is the culprit for putting on weight and many health problems and the food we eat is increasingly adulterated with sugar, often in the food that we least expect. Low fat foods often contain sugar in place of fat to improve their appeal, with the result that they are frequently worse for us than the full fat versions.

To prevent your body from developing any form of sugar overload or diabetes, reduce your sugar intake by sticking to a healthy, balanced diet 80% of the time and only allow your self those high sugars, high fat treats 20% of the time.

Pro- inflammatory foods are considered ageing and the chief culprits are sugar and foods that quickly convert sugar in the blood stream such as potatoes, breads, pastries, juice, chips and rice cakes. Sugar causes inflammation on a cellular level which results in skin that sags and accelerates ageing.

Healthy Fat

Reducing the consumption of the saturated fats is important but it is not healthy to try to eliminate all fat from your diet. In fact this can be downright dangerous to your overall health, your brain power, and the condition of your skin.

Fat is one of the nutrients your body requires, along with proteins, carbohydrates and vitamins. The building blocks of fat and oils are known as essential fatty acids which we can’t make in our bodies, we must get them from foods we eat. EFAs offer a variety of health benefits including keeping your skin supple and wrinkle free.

Anti Ageing Anti-oxidants

Collagen and other substances help to make up the structure of both blood vessels and the skin itself. They are doing two things: strengthening the tissue and helping to make the intercellular mass stronger. They are also helping keep free radicals in check – in other words, helping to prevent the damage caused to cells, and this can be by anything from cigarette smoke, pollution or ultraviolet radiation, to toxic substances in our food.

Free radical damage has an effect on healthy cells and that translates into tissue damage, which shows up as ageing. It is no secret that the parts of our bodies that look the oldest are our face and the tops of our hands, all of which are exposed to the sun. Antioxidants help to protect the cells and tissues in those vulnerable areas.

Antioxidants neutralize free radicals (damaging by-products produced by normal cellular metabolism) and change them into compounds that are non-damaging in our body. Antioxidants are present in fruit and vegetables especially those that are very deeply colored.

Essential fatty oils improve the look and feel of skin

Omega-3 oils containing fish oil and flaxseed, and also the omega-6 oil found in evening primrose oil are very beneficial for the skin. Omega-6 oil can also be obtained from good quality olive oil, cold pressed vegetable oils, avocados, nuts and seeds, or evening primrose oil in capsule form. Omega-3s come from fish like salmon or tuna, or flaxseed capsules and walnuts. A balance of Omega-3 and 6 is the way to go: those essential fatty acids help plump up the cells within the skin, so you actually feel as if your skin is softer and less prone to dryness.

An anti ageing lifestyle diet will consist of a high daily intake of fresh fruit and salad vegetables are considered to be highly beneficial for the cells of the body because they are usually eaten fresh, without any processing or cooking. Although some salad vegetables, such as tomatoes, retain their anti-ageing properties following cooking also.

There are some foods, scientists believe, that contain the ingredients that fight ageing and disease - naturally. By incorporating these foods into your diet, you can actually lower your risk of chronic illnesses such as cancer and heart disease.

A balanced diet of fresh vegetables and fruit (40%) and fish (30%) particularly salmon and lean meats (soy protein for vegetarians) and some bread, pasta or whole grains (15%) with a little of the fats such olive (15%) into your daily diet, wrinkles and sagging will be visibly reduced.

Age Defying Lifestyle Foods

Daily Food Guide


40% of your daily food intake must be (preferably organic) fresh vegetables and fresh fruit preferably eaten raw


30% of your daily food intake must be proteins such salmon, fresh fish, lean roast beef, turkey, chicken, ham and beef, red and white meat, tofu, soy, beans, legumes, eggs, milk, cheese and mixed nuts


15% of your daily food intake must be breads, pasta and whole grains


15% of your daily food intake must be essential fats such as olive oil and avocados

It is true that ‘we are what we eat’. What we put into our bodies affects how we feel and how we look.


· Excessive sugar

· Excessive diary products

· Excessive caffeine

· Processed meats

· Excessive biscuits and sweets

· Excessive breads and pastries

· Excessive Alcohol

· Soft Drinks

· Artificial sweeteners

Eat mainly raw or slightly cooked vegetables, incorporating as many antioxidants as well as protein, carbohydrates and some saturated fats into each meal as possible to maintain optimum health for both inside and outside of your

Step One: Love Yourself

Love yourself enough to commit to the INSIDEOUT 30 day program to transform your life

Step Two: Peace of Mind

Change every negative thought to a positive one to create peace of mind

Step Three: Exercise

Start today walking everyday for at least half an hour and observe your surrounding as you do

Step Four: Diet

Create a balanced lifestyle diet by increasing the anti ageing foods and decreasing the age accelerators

Day 5 / Step 5


G. Meditation is the entry to your soul. Meditation can and will make a huge difference in your life.

It is in this silence that your soul communes with God. It is in this silence that you truly get to know and meet your soul. It is in this silence that all your questions are answered. It is in this silence that you become with one God and all energy.

Meditation can soothe a troubled mind, release an aching tired body and make your heart sing and your soul soar.

Many humans say they cannot meditate, they say it is too hard. But they only try once and give up. Meditation is a discipline to be practiced daily and then when you least expect it you will feel and experience the most euphoric experience of your being.

Meditation is best done first thing upon wakening when you are closest to God. But any time of the day is suitable.

This is best done alone in a quiet space, without distractions. There are no special words or chants that you have to say, it is up to you, but sit with your legs and arms uncrossed and close your eyes and simply be.

Start with 5 minutes a day and work up to 20 minutes a day.

If you have difficulty closing your mind and quieting your ego, then perform a guided visualization meditation.

This daily discipline is so powerful it can move mountains –If it can do that, imagine what it can do for you.

Simply sit and be.

Your body will be relaxed, making you healthier and more youthful, your mind will become more alert and imaginative and ideas will flow naturally to you. Things that you had not allowed yourself to dream before will now come to you with such clarity that you will wonder why you didn’t think of it before. Your soul will soar with such joy that you have now connected with it.

Meditation will bring you peace, happiness, joy and great love.

Overwhelming love like you have never felt before will flood your entire being. It may be for just one moment or one minute of for one hour, but once you have connected with the truth of who you are, you will never feel the same again, as you have finally found yourself.

The heavens will rejoice with you in this moment.

For now we are done until tomorrow.

Go within or go without!

D. The world renowned mind/body specialist Dr Deepak Chopra says that it is now proven that daily meditation can make one look between two and twelve years younger as well as the huge benefits to the internal body, mind and soul.

I often hear that you don’t have time to meditate, that your life is too busy. For me it is a priority in my life, just as I would not dream of not cleaning my teeth everyday, I would not start off my day without meditation. I look forward to this time alone each morning when I am one with the universe.

Meditation for me is essential for my entire being, as it keeps me looking and feeling younger, gives my mind a rest and most of all connects me with my soul. Anything I wish to know is answered in these moments, of quiet meditation.

It is actually a great time-saver to be literally out-of-your-mind in meditation. As decisions are reached quickly, choices are activated rapidly, because your soul creates out of the present experience, without review, analysis and criticism of past encounters.

Meditation sets me up for the day, so that the day is everything I desire…successful, happy, joyful, abundant and loving. With loving positive thoughts and a peaceful mind my body is light and looks more youthful.

Other people tell me that they find it hard to meditate, to quieten their mind, to stop the constant chatting of the mind, or that their mind wanders or they fall asleep. So they give up before they really start. Believe me the benefits of daily meditation are worth pursuing, as it will make a positive impact on every area of your life.

It is worth waking up 15 to 30 minutes earlier each morning to meditate. Simply to be, in its very simplicity it will become the most important time in your life. First thing in the morning when you awake is the ideal time to meditate as you are more in touch with the silence of your soul and it is an excellent way to start the day so that you are positive, motivated, happy, joyful and relaxed.

If your life is dominated solely by activity, you are spending more energy than you are gaining, the most basic rhythm of nature, activity and rest, is being skewed too far in one direction.

Exploring and opening up to your inner self will bring a new awareness into every aspect of your life.

You will live the life you have only ever dreamed of!

Silence is the great teacher and to learn its lessons you must pay attention to it. When was the last time you sat alone with the silence, travelling to the deepest part of your being? When was the last time you said hello to your soul?

Are you nurturing your soul?

Are you even noticing it?

Are you healing it or hurting it?

Are you growing or withering it?

Are you expanding or contracting it?

Is your soul as lonely as your mind?

Is it even more neglected?

When was the last time you felt your soul being expressed?

Daily meditation is one way to achieve this. Yet it requires commitment, dedication, a decision to seek inner experience, not outer reward. Silence holds the secrets; the sweetest sound is the sound of silence as this is the song of the soul.

Daily Meditation

Meditation is not hard to do, it is not something that one person can do and another cannot, everyone that desires to meditate can do it.

Choose the most appropriate place for yourself to meditate, whether that be lying in bed, sitting up in bed, sitting in a comfortable chair, sitting under a tree, being outside with nature…wherever you can be quiet and still with yourself without interruption.

Once comfortable, open you arms, hands and legs (not crossed) and relax, take a deep breath in through your nose and slowly let it out through your mouth, concentrate solely on your breathing. Relaxing every part of your body, keep breathing slowly and deeply, concentrating on your breath going in and coming out.

As you breathe in, picture yourself breathing in beautiful feelings, such as relaxation, joy and peace. When you breathe out; feel yourself releasing stress, tension and worries. You are in-spiring yourself with these deep breaths.

If your mind wanders, just bring it back to concentrate on your breathing. Let all and any thoughts go, don’t judge them, just let them go.

Soul Meditation

Now focus your awareness on a spot in the centre of your forehead, just above your eyes (your third eye). Keep “looking” there with your inner eyes. Stare into the dark space of that nothingness. Just be with the darkness, do not strive to see anything, and just be content with the peace of emptiness as creation cannot come except in the void.

Keep focusing on your breath and enjoy the relief of nothing…to want nothing, nothing to do, nothing to be, except what you are being right now.

Keep a watchful eye without expectation; something will suddenly appear to you. It may look like a dancing blue flame, no matter what it looks like, you will feel it. This feeling will wash over you, the feeling of complete love.

You may even want to cry as you feel so totally loved. Welcome to your soul. Your soul is pure 100% unconditional love. Love of you!

You may not connect with your soul the first time you meditate, but keep doing this everyday, because you will eventually meet your soul and when you do nothing will ever be the same again.

There are many meditations that you can do, here are some others that may help you expand who you are, so that your inner beauty will radiate outwards.

Sanctuary Meditation

Now see yourself in your minds eye seeing a gate in front of yourself, open the gate and follow the path, notice the flowers, shrubs and trees on either side of the path, hear the birds singing, the animals wandering close by, feel the sense of peace and love at being at one with nature. Follow the path until you come to a clearing by a beautiful rippling brook of water. Now sit down on a comfortable rock and feel the warmth of the sun beating down on you, smell the fresh scent of the flowers close by, see the water flowing freely over the pebbles and feel your self totally relaxed.

Know that this is your sanctuary,

where no one can hurt you, judge you, belittle you,

know that this is your special place that is totally yours.

Any thoughts, concerns, worries that you have now express them to God, the angels, your guides, the universe, Buddha or whoever it is for you, tell them all your hurts, disappointments and woes, tell them how you feel, let the tears flow. Then ask that they help you. Your thoughts, feelings and words will be heard and will be answered.

Concentrate once more on your breathing, deep breaths through your nose and slowly releasing all your hurts out through your mouth. Let them go.

As you sit in silence breathe in the pure love that you now feel, this overwhelming love will fill every part of your being. When you are ready, stand up and walk back through the path to the gate. Open and shut the gate as you walk out and know that whenever you want to, you can return to this place of sanctuary that is only for you and no one else.

Relaxation Meditation

Once your eyes are closed and you are comfortable, take slow deep breaths from your midsection and upper arms, not short shallow breaths…breathe in deeply and slowly through your nose then slowly let your breath out through your mouth. As you breathe in think positive energy as you breathe out think negative energy.

Now envision a golden white light sitting above your head. Through your minds eye imagine this beautiful golden white light coming in through your ‘crown chakra’ and filling your entire body with this lovely light. Feel it fill every cell of your body with unconditional love and purity. Feel your body sparkling bright white love. Feel how light you feel.

Now take your focus down to your toes, imagine squeezing your toes tight and in those toes is a lot of negative energy, old hurts, feelings of un-forgiveness of your self and others, any feelings of disappointment, jealously, guilt and fear. Now imagine uncurling your toes and flicking all the negativity off, ask the universe that it takes it away from you and heal it, and ask that your toes are now filled with sparkling white light love and positive energy.

Continue to do this through your entire body…legs, torso, fingers, hands, arms, neck, shoulders, back, and head. You will now be fully relaxed and feeling light, bright and free.

Stay in this void for as long as your wish, just being totally relaxed. You now may like to ask some questions in your inner mind and see what comes up, do not try to force the answers. But whatever thought first comes into your mind is the correct answer so long as it comes from a place of love. If you force what you believe should be the answer then it will not be true. If you are truly relaxed and without thought then everything you ever wanted to know will be revealed to you in this space of nothingness.

If you do not know what to ask then ask this,” What would you like me to know now?” As you concentrate on your breathing see, hear, feel, know what comes up.

Once you are ready to come out of your meditation, simply open your eyes. Feel your body, stretch your body, take a deep breath as your prepare for the day ahead.

Lighter. Younger. Radiant.

Throughout the day be watchful as you receive guidance through thoughts, feelings, visions and/or hearing, your soul has cried out and you will be answered.

This overwhelming love that you feel deeply within your soul is a huge white light of love, truth and beauty and once it is felt deep within it will shine out in your outward appearance like the sun with rays emanating from you, shining outward for the entire world to see.

You will not only feel lighter, brighter and more alive you will look lighter, younger and more radiant. Others may ask if you have had a facelift or a new hairstyle or lost weight or wearing a new outfit as you will reflect such beauty to others from this deep well of love that comes from within.

Step One: Love Yourself

Love yourself enough to commit to the INSIDEOUT 30 day program to transform your life

Step Two: Peace of Mind

Change every negative thought to a positive one to create peace of mind

Step Three: Exercise

Start today walking everyday for at least half an hour and observe your surrounding as you do

Step Four: Diet

Create a balanced lifestyle diet by increasing the anti ageing foods and decreasing the age accelerators

Step Five: Meditation

Meditate between 5 minutes and 20 minutes upon waking every morning

Day 6 / Step 6

Sun Sense

G. Sun gives life to life. Without it the world would not exist as you know it.

The food you eat would not grow; the tress that shade you would not grow, the flowers that you admire would not grow.

The sun is essential to life on earth as is breathing.

The sun provides humans with warmth, joy and vitamin D, which is essential for a healthy body.

But your skin was not designed to stay in the sun all day, every day. Sun burn is lethal to your skin, it ages you well before your time.

Whilst sun is important for your well being; an over abundance of it will kill your body.

Save your body with a little sun sense. Choose the time of the day that you expose your beautiful skin to the sun, early morning and late afternoon is best when the sun is not at its harshest.

Use the sun to its best advantage rather than letting it abuse you.

Over abuse by the sun will age your precious skin by up to 20 years.

Your beautiful skin needs to be nourished to maintain its moisture. It is not to be dehydrated by the sun, like some dried looking fruit – looking lifeless, withered and aged.

Protect your precious skin from the suns rays and you will be rewarded with beautiful, moist, lineless skin for many, many years.

The sun gives life to life and that includes humans, but if abused it causes premature death of your beautiful body. Do not abuse your skin if you wish to live a long, healthy youthful life.

For now we are done until tomorrow.

Fake it! Don’t Bake it!

D. In the 1920’s beauty Queen Madame Helena Rubinstein declared, “I have to say, sunburn is beauty suicide,” and she was not wrong!

Sun damage to the skin is the quickest way to age the skin prematurely. It is the number one way to age the skin followed closely by smoking and crash dieting, stress and dehydration of the skin.

Sun baking can age the skin prematurely by up to 20 years while crash dieting and smoking can add 10 years to your looks with stress and a dehydrated skin adding another 3 to 5 years to your looks.

Always use a broad spectrum UVA & UVB sunblock lotion of factor 15 or higher everyday on the face, neck and back of the hands and on the body where it will be exposed to the sun.

The warm golden cast of the sun is very alluring and many people can not resist spending hours beneath its glow. But not all of the sun's rays are pleasing. Ultraviolet (UV) light, the invisible but intense rays of the sun, damages your skin. Some of those harmful effects such as suntan or sunburn are visible right away. But other skin changes, including liver spots or deep wrinkles, appear and worsen over time. With repeated sun exposure, the skin damage can even progress into cancerous tumors.

Photoaging: Looking older than you are

Over the years, your skin naturally begins to show signs of aging. For example, you may notice more wrinkles and thinner, more fragile skin. Exposure to UV light can accelerate these changes and make you appear older than you are. Skin changes caused by the sun are called photoaging.

The results of photoaging include…

  • Weakening of connective tissues, which reduces the skin's strength and elasticity
  • Thinner, more translucent-looking skin
  • Deep wrinkles
  • Dry, rough skin
  • Fine red veins on your cheeks, nose and ears
  • Freckles, mostly on your face and shoulders
  • Large brown lesions (macules) on your face, back of hands, arms, chest and upper back (solar lentigines, or liver spots)
  • White macules on the lower legs and arms

You do not need to hide away indoors to protect your skin, simply wear a large hat, big sunglasses and a factor 15 or higher sunblock that is applied regularly throughout the day. No matter what your age just be smart about your sun exposure and take precautions to keep your skin healthy for years to come.

Fake it! Don’t bake it!

If you want to obtain a suntan it is best to use a fake tan than actually over expose your skin to the dangerous ageing rays of the sun.

To obtain that wonderful tanned glowing skin that so many admire there are a multitude of products on the market today that make this a simple easy process for everyone. A tanned skin certainly makes us appear slimmer with a golden glow that looks healthy.

To ensure you don’t end up with streaky orange tinged skin. The skin needs to be properly prepared before applying fake suntan. You will need two different self tan lotions one for the face and another one for your body. The one you use on your body is usually too heavy for your face and can cause a break out.

Start by exfoliating your body paying special attention to your elbows, knees and ankles, this is best done in the shower, after you have dried yourself, apply a body moisturiser, this will stop the self tan from grabbing onto certain areas of your body.

Then apply the self tan all over the body in a methodical way starting from the feet upwards, this will ensure you don’t miss any patches. Of course you may need a friend to apply it to your back. Wear loose clothing for the first half hour to stop the tan from staining your under wear and clothes and to avoid streaking. But if this all seems like too much trouble just take yourself to your nearest beauty clinic where they will spray tan you all over in very quick time.

Applying a self tan to the face takes a little extra care but the results a well worth it.

Once again start by exfoliating, paying attention to areas like the chin, cheeks and around the nose. Rinse your skin and apply an oil-free moisturiser not an AHA moisturiser as this can break down the self tanner pigment. Using a cotton bud, apply Vaseline or moisturiser over the eyebrows to protect them, and wait about 10 minutes.

Start applying the self tanner from the nose working outwards to the hairline, just as you would when applying a moisturiser or foundation. Using a toothbrush flatten the fine facial hair downwards, this will also remove any excess tanner which can cause unevenness

Don’t forget to tan the neck as well otherwise you will look a bit strange with a tanned face and lighter neck and of course not forgetting your earlobes. As soon as you have finished quickly wash your hands with an exfoliant and warm soapy water and use a nailbrush around the cuticles

If you feel good in your skin, it shows in how you stand, move and touch others!

Step One:
Love Yourself

Love yourself enough to commit to the INSIDEOUT 30 day program to transform your life

Step Two: Peace of Mind

Change every negative thought to a positive one to create peace of mind

Step Three: Exercise

Start today walking everyday for at least half an hour and observe your surrounding as you do

Step Four: Diet

Create a balanced lifestyle diet by increasing the anti ageing foods and decreasing the age accelerators

Step Five: Meditation

Meditate between 5 minutes and 20 minutes upon waking every morning

Step Six: Sun Sense

Wear Factor 15 or higher sun block everyday on any exposed skin

Day 7 / Step 7


G. Sleeping for humans is a important as eating. Sleeping right is even more important.

You wear your body out during your waking hours, it is during your sleep hours that your body repairs itself and your mind rests and your soul literally soars.

Sleeping is essential to being. Lack of sleep leads to an aged body, a slow mind and a saddened soul.

Sleep deprivation makes you irritable and irrational. Yet so many humans try to exist on less than what they need.

The human body requires no less than 8 hours sleep to rejuvenate itself daily.

Make your sleeping place a tranquil safe haven where you can sleep with ease and comfort.

It is during your sleeping time that your soul leaves your body and soars among the heavens.

Your soul finds your body heavy and cumbersome and slow compared to when it was not in your body. When you are simply soul, you move with light speed and freedom.

Whilst your soul chose to come back to earth to have this experience once again, it loves nothing more than to join back to where it came from.

Some of you may know of this feeling as an out-of-body experience, but most of you do not remember upon waking where you went to in your sleep and that is as it is meant to be!

Your soul leaves the body during sleep to rejuvenate itself. As you body repairs itself during sleep and your mind quietens so wonderful dreams and ideas can flow easily into your sub-conscious or super-conscious.

Sleep is essential for your mind, body and soul. You will live longer and certainly look younger with 8 hours sleep everyday.

But lack of sleep over a period of time will lead to poor health, as your body will not have time to repair itself, your mind will be muddled, as your mind will be over worked and your soul will be saddened with the heavy burden of your body.

Enjoy your sleep, God gave you sleep so that you can live longer on earth. There is a time for work, a time for play and a time for rest.

Please start today to sleep 8 hours every day. Your mind, body and soul will thank you!

For now we are done until tomorrow.

Sleep More, Look Younger, Live Longer

D. Sleep deprivation is a national epidemic and what is so sad is that so many are proud of the fact that they don’t sleep eight hours a night. Consequently we have habituated ourselves to low levels of alertness. Women in their thirties and forties are the worst offenders, averaging a skimpy six and a half hours a night, instead of the biologically optimal eight.

Sleep deprivation carries consequences far more dire than dark circles under the eyes. Sufficient quality sleep reduces the risk of heart attacks, immune disorders and diabetes and is as important as diet and exercise in determining longevity.

Sleep deficits even accelerate the ageing process. Inadequate sleep starts a chain reaction of physical changes. Such as your pulse rate and blood pressure drop, reducing blood flow to your skin, so your complexion loses its radiance and fluid pool in your blood vessels makes your face becomes puffy. Muscles cease to maintain their normal resting tone, so your face appears long and drawn.

Far from being a passive act, sleep actively restores and rejuvenates you, inside and out. Fortunately you can counter many of the effects of sleep loss with a regular schedule of eight hour every night.

A restful and rejuvenating night's sleep is bliss!

The positions that you sleep in may effect how you feel in the morning - refreshed and invigorated or stiff and slow to get moving as well as may cause wrinkles on your face!

Lying on your side or your stomach squashes your face up - if you sleep like this night after night year after year for 8 hours a night - then those squashed up faces eventually leave permanent wrinkles on the side of your face, particularly around your eyes.

Sleeping on your back with several pillows under your head will cause double chins or necklace lines around your neck.

It is often very difficult to change the position you like to sleep in - so to make sure you are not causing unnecessary wrinkles on your face, use the correct pillows in the correct way.

Sleeping on your side?

Use one and a half pillows to support your neck, the half pillow being a soft, moldable punch-into-shape one that stays there, so you can curl it into the gap at the base of your neck and support your neck, while keeping the side of your face slightly off the pillow.

If you find that you keep turning onto your stomach or back, simply place another pillow between your legs, this will stop you from rolling over; all those with a bad back know this trick!

Sleeping on your stomach?

Use one small pillow, as well try one under your knees to relax your low back curve. Sleeping on your stomach can be very stressful on your neck, but if done correctly the spine is actually relaxed and in a fairly neutral shape and can be quite comfortable. But the key to this is the have one small pillow with your head slightly off the pillow to avoid that squashed face look in the morning and a stiff neck!

Sleeping on your back?

The danger zone for snoring! But if this is your preferred way of sleeping you are actually less likely to get wrinkles from sleeping this way than any other way! So long as you use a small pillow, definitely not two or more, this will only cause you to have double chin(s) or necklace lines around your neck, to stop you from rolling over during the night place a pillow under your knees.

Lost sleep

Sleeping late on weekends is not the way to catch up on lost sleep during the week. You have one biological clock, not one for weekdays and one for weekends. If you sleep late on Sunday, you will fall asleep later that night, be tired on Monday and essentially give yourself jet lag!

A less disruptive strategy is to move your bedtime and try to stick with a regular schedule. But if you are consistently coming up short, nap.


Our alertness tends to drop in the afternoon, preparing us for sleep. Napping need not take long, say 10 to 20 minutes. An hour is excessive because it takes you into deep delta sleep and leaves you groggy. Several short naps during the day will not interfere with your night sleep.


Make your bedroom a stress free zone. Banish bills, briefcases and piles of clothing, contain any kind of mess into boxes or baskets, relocate the television and turn the clock away. In other words make your bedroom the neat tidy kind of environment that you will enjoy being and sleeping in.

Use your bedroom for what it is meant for, non-work related reading, quiet hobbies, body massage, sex and sleeping. Have dim lights, low noise, clean sheets and pillowcases and gorgeous comfy bed covers. Surround yourself with the things you love!

If you find it hard to turn off your internal chatter and continual worry, sit down for half an hour before going to your bedroom and write down any stressful thoughts, make a list of tomorrow’s activities so you don’t worry all night about what you have to do tomorrow.

Spray your pillowcases with lavender mist (promotes relaxation) and meditate. Meditation lowers your heart rate, respiration and muscle tension, preparing you for sleep.

Sleep deprivation is dangerous for our health and well being and certainly does not make us nice to be around - grumpy, grouchy, short tempered and stressed.

Eight hours sleep a night is important to staying youthful, don't try and convince yourself that you can live of less. A very small percentage of people can, but the rest of us need our sleep to stay alert, calm, positive, happy and just plain nice to others!

Step One: Love Yourself

Love yourself enough to commit to the INSIDEOUT 30 day program to transform your life

Step Two: Peace of Mind

Change every negative thought to a positive one to create peace of mind

Step Three: Exercise

Start today walking everyday for at least half an hour and observe your surrounding as you do

Step Four: Diet

Create a balanced lifestyle diet by increasing the anti ageing foods and decreasing the age accelerators

Step Five: Meditation

Meditate between 5 minutes and 20 minutes upon waking every morning

Step Six: Sun Sense

Wear Factor 15 or higher sun block everyday on any exposed skin

Step Seven: Sleep

Make your sleeping place a haven to be enjoyed and sleep 8 hours every night

Day 8 / Step 8


G. To breathe is to live – without breathing you will not survive. It is the very thing that keeps your body alive – breath is life!

But we notice that most humans take small breaths, hardly expanding their lungs at all.

Only athletes and those living in the hills and mountains take deep expanded breaths as this exercises their body.

Your lungs are designed to be expanded inhaling Gods air, then contracting as you expel any toxins in your body.

Deep breathing circulates oxygen around your entire body quickly adding a beautiful glow to your organs and skin.

Some humans have based an entire anti ageing slimming program simply on breathing deeply every day.

To breathe the beautiful air that God gave you, start breathing in through your nose from your stomach and then fill your lungs to capacity… then slowly let it out through your mouth.

Feel the tension leave your body after one such breath. Continue like this for 10 more breaths and feel completely relaxed. Your shoulders and back of your neck will relax, then your lower abdomen, legs, arms, feet and toes will relax. This is the perfect way to commence meditation each day.

Any time of the day you feel tense, sore, agitated or confused, wherever you are, sitting or standing, simply take 10 deep breaths. Your body will relax, your mind will have more clarity and your face will have renewed oxygen and your eyes will sparkle.

The inner peace that you now feel will be reflected outwards in your movements, speech and demeanor.

As you finish the last deep breath, make a huge wide smile right across your face. Smile yourself happy, serene, peaceful, joyful and loving.

Stand up tall, with a smile on your face and fresh air in your lungs and you will look, feel and be healthy and youthful.

For now we are done until tomorrow.

Beautiful Breaths

D. To breathe is to live, and without breath there is no life, “Breath is Life”. Not only are animals dependent upon breath for life and health but so are plants dependent on the air for continued existence. A baby draws in a long, deep breath, retains it for a moment to extract from it its life–giving properties and then exhales it in a long wail and lo and behold its life on earth has begun.

The old man gives a faint gasp, ceases to breathe, and life on earth is over. From the first faint breath of a baby to the last gasp of a dying person, it is one long story of continued breathing.

Life is but a series of breaths

Breathing maybe considered the most important of all functions of the body, for all other functions depend on it. Human Beings may exist some time without eating; a shorter time without water, but without breathing our existence may be measured in but a few minutes.

Not only are human beings dependent on breath for life but we are largely dependent on correct habits of breathing for continued vitality and freedom from disease. An intelligent control of our breathing power will lengthen our days on earth by giving us increased vitality and powers of resistance. On the other hand careless breathing will tend to shorten our days by decreasing our vitality and laying us open to disease.

Human Beings in there normal state need no instruction in breathing. Like plants, animals and the new born baby we breathed naturally and properly as nature intend us to. But civilization has changed that.

Due to our way of life and the way many people now sit, stand and walk.

Natural and correct breathing has become obsolete by many.

Contracted chest and drooping shoulders start as early as the teenage years, thus causing many diseases in the respiratory system, not to mention a curving of the spine, drawn in chest, protruding stomach. Simply from a physical point of view this makes one look shorter and rounder. Clothes do not hang well on a round shouldered concaved chest person.

Stand up straight and look how instantly it will make you appear slimmer!

In addition to the physical benefits derived from correct breathing habits. Our mental power, happiness, self-control, clears sightedness, and spiritual growth maybe increased by understanding how to breathe correctly.

Air contains more than oxygen and hydrogen and nitrogen and that something more is accomplished than just the oxygenating of the blood. Air is energy that not only gives life to our physical form but it does also give life to our mind and increased vibration to our soul.

Correct breathing will aid in your meditation, to reach a much deeper level of understanding and connection.

Energy is in the atmospheric air, but it is also elsewhere and it penetrates where the air cannot reach. The oxygen in the air sustains life in our physical body but energy keeps the body agile, the mind active and the soul vibrating at a much higher level.

Those that have mastered the art of breathing correctly radiate a strength and vitality which is felt by others (even though you may not know what it is) it is the aura of the person. You may not see it but you feel this powerful positive energy around some people. Others are drawn to these people as they radiate such a positive presence wherever they go.

The oxygen in the air is appropriated by the blood and is made use of by the circulatory system. The energy in the air is appropriated by the nervous system. Oxygenated blood is carried to all parts of the system, building up and replenishing as is the energy carried to all parts of the nervous system, adding strength and vitality.

Think of this air energy as vitality!

Just as oxygen in the blood is used up by the wants of our system, so the supply of energy is taken up by the nervous system and it is exhausted by our thinking, willing, doing…and in consequence constant replenishing is required.

Every thought, every act, every effort of the will, every motion of muscle, uses up a certain amount of what we call nerve force, which is really energy.

The power of force transmitted from the brain to all parts of the body by means of the nerves is energy. In character and rapidity it resembles the electric current. Without this energy the heart cannot beat, the blood cannot circulate, the lungs cannot breathe, the various organs cannot function, and the entire machinery of the body comes to a stop. The mind cannot think without energy whilst the soul will always be, increased natural flowing energy will increase its vibration and deepen your connection with your soul.

Nostril Breathing vs. Mouth Breathing

Human Beings either breathe through their mouth or nasal tubes. But it is vital to choose the correct one as one brings health and strength and the other disease and weakness.

Many health problems are caused by the habit of mouth-breathing, this decreases your energy flow thus weakening the immune system and impairing your vitality.

The mouth affords no protection to the respiratory organs, the cold air, dust and impurities and germs readily enter by that door. On the other hand, the nostril and nasal passages are designed by nature to provide this necessary protection.

The nostrils two narrow channels containing bristly hairs which serve the purpose of a filter or sieve to strain the air of its impurities are expelled when air is inhaled. Not only do nostrils serve this important function but they also perform the important function of warming the air inhaled.

Beautiful Breaths

Breathing correctly brings into play the entire respiratory apparatus, every part of the lungs, every air-cell, and every respiratory muscle. The entire respiratory organism responds to this method of breathing and the maximum amount of benefit is derived from the minimum expenditure of energy.

The ideal time to start controlling and practising breathing correctly and naturally is at the beginning of your meditation. But if you choose not to meditate then take some time each day to practice your breathing; even this short period of time will produce some powerful positive changes in your mind, body and soul.

Step-by-step to breathing correctly

· Sitting upright with the spine straight for the energy to flow naturally

· Close your eyes

· Breathing through the nostrils, inhale steadily, first filling the lower part of the lungs, which is accomplished by bringing into play the diaphragm, which descending exerts a gentle pressure on the abdominal organs, pushing forward the front walls of the abdomen

· Then fill the middle parts of the lungs, pushing out the lower ribs breast bone and chest

· Then fill the higher portion of the lungs, protruding the upper chest, thus lifting the chest, including the upper six or seven pairs of ribs

· In the final movement, the lower part of the abdomen will be slightly drawn in, which movement gives a support and also helps to fill the highest part of the lungs

· This may sound like this breath consists of three distinct movements but it is meant to be one fluid movement of breath. Try to avoid a jerky series of inhalations and strive to attain a continuous action. Practice will make perfect and soon you will be able to complete this inhalation in a couple of seconds

· Retain the breath for a few seconds

· Exhale through the mouth quite slowly, holding the chest in a firm position and drawing the abdomen in a little and lifting it upward as the air leaves the lungs

· When the air is entirely exhaled, the chest and abdomen will be relaxed

· Repeat as often as you can, start but doing this up to ten times, if you can only manage three times that is fine, do not force yourself, but each day add one more until you can do this easily ten or twenty times

· Try counting (in your mind) to five as you inhale, then count to five as you exhale

· Each time you will be relaxing your entire body deeper and deeper and deeper…

Whenever you are feeling stressed or uptight during your day, take a few moments wherever you are to close your eyes and do this deep breathing exercise, you will instantly feel relaxed, calm and at peace with yourself, making it easier to cope with all those things that life tends to throw at us each day.

Start your daily meditation with this form of breathing and you will be delightfully surprised at how well you will feel, and how your energy level will be increased as it flows naturally around your body, mind and soul.

Eventually you will find that you will automatically breathe deeper, expanding and using the entire respiratory system and lungs as all parts of your air cells are exercised.

Throughout the day every now and then take some time to watch/feel how you breathe, is it through your mouth or nose? If it is through your mouth make a conscious effort to change and breathe through your nose.

Your increased vitality, lightness and energy will make you look and feel so much better that you will never go back to shallow breathing again.

Step One: Love Yourself

Love yourself enough to commit to the INSIDEOUT 30 day program to transform your life

Step Two: Peace of Mind

Change every negative thought to a positive one to create peace of mind

Step Three: Exercise

Start today walking everyday for at least half an hour and observe your surrounding as you do

Step Four: Diet

Create a balanced lifestyle diet by increasing the anti ageing foods and decreasing the age accelerators

Step Five: Meditation

Meditate between 5 minutes and 20 minutes upon waking every morning

Step Six: Sun Sense

Wear Factor 15 or higher sun block everyday on any exposed skin

Step Seven: Sleep

Make your sleeping place a haven to be enjoyed and sleep 8 hours every night

Step Eight:

Take 10 deep breaths everyday when ever you feel stressed and at the beginning of your meditation

Day 9 / Step 9


G. Ask yourself – do you walk, sit and stand like an old person?

Are your shoulders hunched over, your chest concaved, your stomach protruding, your neck forward and your head down? If so, you have visibly aged yourself by ten years.

Your magnificent body is designed to stand upright and tall, straight and strong not bent and weak.

We ask you now to observe yourself in a mirror. Stand as you would normally; check your profile and back and front views. What do you see?

An old, aged, broken body or a fit, strong, agile, and energetic body?

Now stand up tall, pull your stomach muscles in, your shoulders back and down and your chest out and your head up. Look at the difference.

You now look as you did in your youth., when you dreamed of a bright future, when you looked forward to each day with anticipation, when the world was at your feet.

Regain that look and feeling again., no matter your chronicle age.

Replace distrust with eagerness, anger with joy, disease with good health, boredom with zest and low self esteem with confidence.

Stand tall and look the world in the eye. You have a right to be here, you have a right to your joy, your happiness, your vitality, your energy, your peace and your love.

Walk with purpose and the energy of the young. Stand up straight with the confidence of the young. Move about your day with the anticipated joy and fun of the young.

Do not lose this wonderful zest and energy of life by being, looking and acting old.

You are not old, you are evolving. Your body can maintain its youthful posture for many, many decades. Do not use the excuse of chronicle age to walk and move slowly, weakly and without purpose.

The best way to keep your body agile is through walking daily and through some light yoga movements.

But most of all it is your state of mind – think old, aged, cynical, jaded, angry and bitter and you will look old. But think young, new, open, happy, joyful, fun and free and you will look youthful, vibrant and glowing.

Stand tall – you have a right to!

For now we are done until tomorrow.

Posture Perfect

D. Good posture says you are self confident, successful and stylish!

The long, lasting benefits of good posture, not only brings relief from aches and pains; it can improve your sex life, enhance your body shape and ensure you remain fit and healthy for the rest of your life!

Today many people spend a great deal of time hunched over a computer, a desk, a steering wheel, lifting or carrying heavy objects that causes your body to stoop, get rounded and bent, making you stiff, immobile, sore and grumpy. This all adds up to becoming wired up like a tightly coiled spring which then causes all sorts of major problems for your body.

You will be amazed how good posture provides you with a prevention strategy against wear and tear, for the long-term health of your body. It is the key to protecting your body from aches and pains.

Others judge us by our body language

If people were watching you right now, what would you be saying to them with your body language? Would your body be slouching, sagging with head down and concaved chest telling the world that you are either tired, bored, unhappy or just plain lazy?

Or are you sitting or standing up straight, looking ahead with your shoulders back, telling the world that you are an interesting, successful, confident person?

People watching is always fun and interesting, observing how they move and interact with others…but remember if you are doing that to others then they are doing the same thing back to you! What do you want your body language to convey to others?

Your body is your personal physical signature. It portrays your uniqueness and is a very personal script used to communicate with others. With posture you can project yourself, reflect your attitudes and enhance your self esteem.

To project a positive posture start by looking at yourself with a critical eye, stand in front of the mirror and observe how you normally sit, stand and walk.

Is you spine curved, your stomach protruding out, your neck forward with your head and chin down? If so then it is time to make some changes that really can change the rest of your life simply by standing, sitting and walking tall!

Take control of your body and think positive positions rather than negative positions.

Hold yourself with your muscles rather than sag onto your joints. Stand up tall, with your shoulders back, stomach pulled in tight your bottom tucked in and your chest out with your head high. Now look at yourself in the mirror, don’t you look taller and slimmer, how do you feel? More confident like you can take on the world! Even if you don’t feel that confident your posture will portray confidence to others which in turn draws a positive rather than negative reaction to you, thus making you feel more confident…it is a chain reaction.

Clothes sit better on a straight body than on a curved slouched one, it is one of the quickest ways to instantly look several kilos lighter.

<>Notice how your stomach appears flatter when you stand up tall.

Do as we teach in modeling and deportment classes, stand with your back against a wall, press your heels in against the wall make sure your shoulders are touching the wall and that the back of your head is also. How do you feel, uncomfortable, probably because you are so used to slouching?

Standing up tall feels a bit strange when you are not used to it, but practice will make you feel more comfortable with walking tall. As you practice good habits of posture, this will carry over and unconsciously reflect in how you move through your day.

I am certainly not advocating to walk like a model as that is an exaggerated walk designed specifically for the catwalk to show off clothes, which if done all the time would not only hurt your back you would look rather silly prancing down the street.

When walking along the street check your posture in shop windows and if you find yourself slouching, quickly correct yourself.

Before you walk into an important meeting, interview or social situation check how you are projecting yourself. Then stand up tall, put a smile on your face and stride into that room with complete and utter confidence (even if you don’t feel it) look the others straight in the eye and introduce yours

When sitting never just stay in one position as it is essential to move your body parts. Try a wiggle, a stretch and a squeeze to nourish them with a circulation boost, remove waste products and pump fresh oxygen into your muscles by relaxing them, moving them and releasing them from their current state of tension e.g. rolling your shoulders, pumping ankles up and down and taking a deep belly breath.

Check your postural habits...

Talking on the phone while doing another task Just talk on the phone or mobile phone

Doing work in bed Bed is for relaxation

Always lying on one side of your body Vary your positions of rest

Crossing your legs Cross your ankles

Tipping your head to one side Keep your head straight

Carrying a bag across one shoulder Use a backpack or two bags

Never warming up before exercise Do a ten-minute warm up before exercise

Standing on one leg, jutting out one hip Stand with both feet squarely on the ground

Never use back support of a chair Always use a lumbar support

Peering closely at the computer screen Get your vision checked

Bending over from the hips to lift Bend your legs and crouch down to lift

Slouching, rounded spine, head forward Stand up tall, straight, chest forward

Portray a positive image of yourself which will reflect in your lifestyle. Imagine yourself flexible, strong, fit, confident and successful. Be bold! Just like your smile, your posture will radiate the inner you!

Step One: Love Yourself

Love yourself enough to commit to the INSIDEOUT 30 day program to transform your life

Step Two: Peace of Mind

Change every negative thought to a positive one to create peace of mind

Step Three: Exercise

Start today walking everyday for at least half an hour and observe your surrounding as you do

Step Four: Diet

Create a balanced lifestyle diet by increasing the anti ageing foods and decreasing the age accelerators

Step Five: Meditation

Meditate between 5 minutes and 20 minutes upon waking every morning

Step Six: Sun Sense

Wear Factor 15 or higher sun block everyday on any exposed skin

Step Seven: Sleep

Make your sleeping place a haven to be enjoyed and sleep 8 hours every night

Step Eight: Breathing

Take 10 deep breaths everyday when ever you feel stressed and at the beginning of your meditation

Step Nine: Posture

Stand straight and tall and look the world right in the eye!

Day 10 / Step 10


G. To smoke or not to smoke?

That is the question!

Your beautiful, gorgeous body was not designed to take in the poisonous substances ingested from smoking or for that matter other poisonous substances.

Even if you carried out Steps 1 to Steps 9 in the INSIDEOUT program to the letter “T” and still continued to smoke, they would be worthless to your body.

Smoking in itself would destroy all the good work that you would have done to increase your life’s longevity, good health and youthful inner and outer self.

Smoking would undo all this!

Please we implore you to discontinue smoking now as it is surely a slow suicide.

Do you want to look younger?

Do you want to have good health?

Do you want to live longer?

Do you want to have clarity of mind?

Do you want to smell nicer?

Do you want to have white teeth?

Do you want to be socially acceptable everywhere?

Do you want to be in control of our body, your mind?

Then if so, please stop smoking now!

It is your body, your life; you should be in control – not the habit controlling you. The habit controls when you die, how you look, how you smell, how food tastes.

Smoking is not designed for the human body on so many levels – its affects show inside and outside of your body. From an aged skin, yellow teeth, stained hands to the after math of stale smoke that you leave behind when you have left the room.

Please do not poison your wonderful gorgeous body any longer

Give up all the poisonous substances to the body…this includes drinking too much alcohol… your beautiful body rejects over consumption of alcohol through every pore and ageing you before your time.

Look after your body!

Look after your mind!

Look after your soul!

We love you.

Love yourself enough to give up today!

D. That was pretty strong?

G. We speak the truth.

Humans are given so much information daily in all forms of advertising about the ill effects of smoking and over use of alcohol yet they continue to abuse their beautiful body and continue to bemoan the fact that their skin looks ashen, their teeth gray and their eyes dull, their hair lifeless, their skin winkled, their organs not functioning properly…we could go on. Yes it is strong, but it is their life we are trying to save.

If they truly in their heart of hearts desire to live longer and healthier and look younger, they will give up smoking today.

For now we are done until tomorrow.

The “S” Words…

D. Sugar. Salt. Sun. Smoking. Stress

Those terrible “S” words can accelerate the ageing of your body both inside and outside if you do not take them all in moderation, an addiction to any one of them can age you prematurely by up to 20 years! It is worth kicking the habit if you want to look, feel and be healthy no matter what your age is right now!


Everyone knows that smoking is harmful and addictive, and how the dangerously life threatening long term smoking is, but it is also one of the worst enemies of the skin.

Whether you like it or not smoking not only shows up internally but shows up in ones face. The skin is more dehydrated, with more lines and wrinkles particularly around the mouth and eyes, the skin has a parched dry look to it. A UCLA study estimated that two-thirds of illnesses suffered in old age are preventable. At the top of the list for those who died earlier, were sedentary lifestyle and smoking.

The ill effects of smoking become very obvious at mid-life. Past studies have shown that the skin of smokers ages twice as fast after the age of 30 as the skin of non-smokers.

Those who smoke often have a paler skin tone, darker circles under their eyes, more crepeyness and premature wrinkling, especially around their eyes and mouth, than non-smokers. Some of this is due to the decrease in circulation to the skin caused by nicotine. When circulation decreases, fewer nutrients can get to the skin and the skin is less able to release toxins produced by cell metabolism. This results in slow skin growth and rejuvenation.

Smoking also dehydrates the skin and depletes it of vitamins A, E, C and B–complex, and the minerals calcium, potassium and zinc. In addition, smoking directly poisons the ovaries. This leads to decreased levels of estrogen, which is necessary to help maintain elastin and collagen.

Smokers require twice the vitamin C of non smokers. Eating a piece of fruit 10 minutes between cigarettes is a great way to increase your vitamin C intake.

If you cannot stop smoking and I do understand this is easier said than done then try cutting the amount you smoke each day!

And oh if you have not started smoking – don’t!

Drink alcohol in moderation

For decades population studies in Europe have indicated that people who drink a moderate amount of wine (one or two glasses a day) enjoy lower heart-attack rates than either heavy drinkers or teetotallers. The precise mechanism is debatable, but alcohol is known to raise levels of HDLs (high-density lipoproteins, the “good” cholesterol) and dilate blood vessels, which reduces blood pressure.

Alcohol as a chemical is toxic to brain cells; it dehydrates the intestines and can reverse the assimilation of vital nutrients. The key is drinking in moderation, as there are very few if any 100-year old alcoholics; they died off at a much younger age.

One glass of any alcohol each night can be a great relaxant, but please do not get into habit of drinking more each night with or before your meal. Apart from over burdening your body all those empty calories will put on weight.

The Golden Rules of Alcohol

1 Red wine has more antioxidants (anti ageing properties) than white wine

2. White (or red) wine is better choice than beer or other liquor

2. Light beer is a better choice then normal beer

4. Avoid sweet alcoholic drinks, since they contain too many calories

5. Try to drink no more then one glass of alcohol with any meal.

6. For every glass of alcohol your drink, drink a glass of water

Red wine: Is not only a classic for a night in or a night out socializing but it also boosts circulation to the skin. Studies have shown that drinking red wine in moderation promotes long life and may help to protect against cancer and heart disease. What better excuse could you have to get started on the Vino? Moderately, of course!

Step One: Love Yourself

Love yourself enough to commit to the INSIDEOUT 30 day program to transform your life

Step Two: Peace of Mind

Change every negative thought to a positive one to create peace of mind

Step Three: Exercise

Start today walking everyday for at least half an hour and observe your surrounding as you do

Step Four: Diet

Create a balanced lifestyle diet by increasing the anti ageing foods and decreasing the age accelerators

Step Five: Meditation

Meditate between 5 minutes and 20 minutes upon waking every morning

Step Six: Sun Sense

Wear Factor 15 or higher sun block everyday on any exposed skin

Step Seven: Sleep

Make your sleeping place a haven to be enjoyed and sleep 8 hours every night

Step Eight: Breathing

Take 10 deep breaths everyday when ever you feel stressed and at the beginning of your meditation

Step Nine: Posture

Stand straight and tall and look the world right in the eye!

Step Ten: Smoking

Stop smoking today! Drink alcohol in moderation

G. These 10 steps will transform human’s lives so that they will live happy, healthy; longer lives as your wonderful creator designed them to be.

D. Thank you I understand this. They seem very simplistic in form but much harder for us (humans) to be able to do and every day. Do you think that others will reject them as they are too basic?

G. Not at all. Because it they are too basic why are they not already doing them every day?

This way of living is simplistic but that is the beauty of it. God did not intend human’s lives to be hard, full of ill health and die young. God made your beautiful body so that it would last for years in an energetic, vibrant, healthy, vital way.

And to keep your beautiful body working perfectly God kept the maintenance simple, so that every human could do this.

But over the centuries, humans have devised ways to abuse the effectiveness of your God given body. That is why we are loving giving this information to you and we love the name INSIDEOUT, as it says it all perfectly!

Now onto Steps 11 to 30 - they are wonderful, delicious and life changing!

Day 11 / Step 11

G. Relaxation is the key to enjoying life! We do not mean lying around in your bed all day, not doing anything – but you can do that if that is your preference, but it will not produce the results that you say you desire – to be healthy, happy and youthful.

We mean relax about life. Don’t take it so seriously – smile more – laugh often – sing regularly and dance daily.

Let yourself go – life is meant to be fun. You are meant to enjoy your experience on earth.
Don’t be so hard on yourselves – after all you are a spiritual being having a human experience on earth.

It really does not matter what you do n this lifetime, you will still come home to God. Each and everyone of you will all come home to God.

So relax about life, enjoy your human experience – after all that is what you came here to do.
To grow, evolve and create whatever it is in this lifetime that you desire.

Relax about life – it will instantly show in your face, in your body, in the way you move and in the way that you think, act and do.

Relax, enjoy, smile, laugh, sing, and dance as you move through your day – others will notice the change almost immediately –as your uptight, grouchy, critical, grumpy demeanor becomes loving, forgiving, understanding and happy.

Relax about life – it is meant to be fun!

For now we are done until tomorrow.

Powerfully Positive

D. You have the power to create what you wish to experience in your life
The way to create is by what you think, say and do!

Is your glass half-empty or half-full? How you answer this age-old question may reflect your outlook on life and whether you are optimistic or pessimistic. In fact, studies show that these personality traits ‘optimism and pessimism’ can affect how well you live and even how long you live.

You have probably heard the saying, "You are what you eat."
But did you know that what you think is equally as important?

In fact, a positive outlook on life is one of the most important things we can do to keep our brain healthy and ready for learning. How we view ourselves, how we perceive the world around us, and how we interact with others can have profound effects on our overall well-being and on our brain.

The good news is that all of these are completely within our control. No matter what challenges we face, we can choose to start each day by looking at the glass as half full, rather than half empty.

The importance of Positive Thinking
Studies that chronicled lifestyle factors of people who stayed mentally sharp into old age showed that feeling good about ourselves and having a sense of self-worth and effectiveness in our lives, attributes scientists sometimes call self-efficacy, are pillars of successful ageing.

Need an attitude adjustment?
Self-talk is the endless stream of thoughts that run through your head every day. These automatic thoughts can be positive or negative. If the thoughts that run through your head are mostly negative, your outlook on life is likely pessimistic. If your thoughts are mostly positive, you are likely an optimist.

Some of your self-talk comes from logic and reason. Other self-talk may arise from misconceptions that you create because of lack of information.

Think Positive: Live Longer!
Doctors and scientists now firmly believe that 75% of all sickness and disease starts in the mind. Researchers have also proven that stress, which starts in the mind, is the number one cause of all fatigue and illness.

Scientists have also proven that we only use 10% of our mind. The rest is never used properly. That means 10% of our mind is causing 75% of all sickness and we do not even know how to use that 10% properly.

Imagine what would happen if we used our mind to it's fullest? We would stop getting sick and live healthier, more productive lives.

Researchers have also proven that people who have a healthy and positive attitude or incorporate positive thinking, live better lives. Why?
Because they know how to use the power of their mind.

Unfortunately many people do not utilize the tremendous power of their mind to work for them, instead; they use their mind to work against them, creating things they do not want. Then they wonder why positive thinking does not work. The truth is they were never practicing positive thinking.

Positive thinking must come from the core of your very being, deep in your solar plexus, for it to truly work
The health benefits positive thinking optimism may provide are…
• Decreased stress
• Greater resistance to catching the common cold
• A sense of well-being and improved health
• Reduced risk of coronary artery disease
• Breathing easier if you have chronic obstructive lung disease, such as emphysema
• Living longer
• Better coping skills

Positive thinking optimists experience these health benefits because having a positive outlook enables you to cope better with stressful situations, which reduces the effects of stress on your body.

Turn every negative into a positive!

Self-talk, the inner monologue sometimes referred to as automatic thinking, can be positive or negative. When the theme of your self-talk is mostly negative, your own misperceptions, lack of information and distorted ideas have overpowered your capacity for logic and reason. But if you weed out misconceptions and irrational thinking and challenge them with rational, positive thoughts, your self-talk will gradually become realistic and self-affirming.

You can learn to turn negative thoughts into positive ones. The process is simple, but it takes time and practice.

Throughout the day, stop and evaluate what you are thinking. If you find that your thoughts are negative, try to find a way to put a positive spin on them.

Start by following one simple rule:
Do not say anything to yourself that you would not say to anyone else.

Positive thinking is a mental attitude that admits into the mind thoughts, words and images that are conductive to growth, expansion and success. It is a mental attitude that expects good and favorable results. A positive mind anticipates happiness, joy, health and a successful outcome of every situation and action. Whatever the mind expects, it finds.

It is quite common to hear people say: "Think positive!” to someone who feels down and worried. Most people do not take these words seriously, as they do not know what it really means, or do not consider it as useful and effective.

When the attitude is positive we entertain pleasant feelings and constructive images, and see in our mind's eye what we really want to happen. This brings brightness to the eyes, more energy and happiness. Your whole being vibrates with joy, happiness, abundance and success. You walk taller and your voice is more powerful. Your body language radiates the way you feel inside.

Positive and negative thinking are both contagious
All of us affect, in one way or another, the people we meet. This happens instinctively and on a subconscious level, through thoughts and feelings transference and through body language. People sense your aura and are affected by your thoughts.

It is understandable that others are drawn to positive people and shun negative ones? People are more disposed to help us if we are positive.
They dislike and avoid anyone broadcasting negativity.

Negative thoughts, words and attitude bring up negative and unhappy moods and actions. When the mind is negative, poisons are released into the blood, which cause more unhappiness and negativity. This is the way to failure, frustration and disappointment.

In order to turn the mind toward the positive, inner work and training are required.
Attitude and thoughts do not change overnight.

The power of thoughts is a mighty power that is always shaping our life. This shaping is usually done subconsciously, but it is possible to make the process a conscious one. Even if the idea seems strange give it a try, as you have nothing to lose, but only to gain. Ignore what others might say or think about you, if they discover that you are changing the way you think.

Visualize only favourable and beneficial situations
Use positive words in your inner dialogues or when talking with others. Smile a little more, as this helps to think positively.

Once a negative thought enters your mind, you have to be aware of it and endeavor to replace it with a constructive one. The negative thought will try again to enter your mind, and then you have to replace it again with a positive one. It is as if there are two pictures in front of you, and you choose to look at one of them and disregard the other. Persistence will eventually teach your mind to think positively and ignore negative thoughts.

In case you feel any inner resistance when replacing negative thoughts with positive ones, do not give up, but keep looking only at the beneficial, good and happy thoughts in your mind.

It does not matter what your circumstances are at the present moment. Think positively, expect only favorable results and situations, and circumstances will change accordingly. It may take some time for the changes to take place, but eventually they do.

One of the best ways to create change is by using affirmations that lead to positive thinking. Positive Thinking Affirmations are simple statements that you say to yourself over and over again. Through constant repetition your subconscious mind picks up the message and you start taking action to create change. It is a way of changing behavior to achieve your goal. Affirmations create Positive Thinking which leads to greater change.

Practice positive thinking daily!
Positive thinking is not just a philosophy it is a practice, something you have to do everyday, over and over again. Affirmations are a great way to start developing positive thinking. But that is just one technique; to develop a lifetime of Positive Thinking you must use all your powers.

Your Mind is an Incredible Power!
You have abilities and powers that you are not even aware of. But hopefully by the end of reading this book and doing the exercises you will learn to master these incredible powers that you were born with.

In order to create change you need to take control of your conscious mind and then only can you take charge of your life!

Step One: Love Yourself
Love yourself enough to commit to the INSIDEOUT 30 day program to transform your life

Step Two: Peace of Mind
Change every negative thought to a positive one to create peace of mind

Step Three: Exercise
Start today walking everyday for at least half an hour and observe your surrounding as you do

Step Four: Diet
Create a balanced lifestyle diet by increasing the anti ageing foods and decreasing the age accelerators

Step Five: Meditation
Meditate between 5 minutes and 20 minutes upon waking every morning

Step Six: Sun Sense
Wear Factor 15 or higher sun block everyday on any exposed skin

Step Seven: Sleep
Make your sleeping place a haven to be enjoyed and sleep 8 hours every night

Step Eight: Breathing
Take 10 deep breaths everyday when ever you feel stressed and at the beginning of your meditation

Step Nine: Posture
Stand straight and tall and look the world right in the eye!

Step Ten: Smoking
Stop smoking today! Drink alcohol in moderation

Step Eleven: Relax
Life is meant to be fun – practice positive thinking daily!

Day 12 / Step 12


G. Your skin is your largest organ of your beautiful body. Therefore it is important to look after it daily if you wish to maintain its youthful appearance.

This does not need to cost great amounts of money – it simply takes discipline of caring for your beautiful skin everyday.

When you are born your skin is soft and unblemished, but as your skin becomes acclimatized to your environment and is exposed to the elements it changes and becomes coarser so that it can survive.

Whilst it is near impossible to retain the skin of a baby, unless you never exposed it to the elements, ever – which would not be good for your overall health.

Your skin will change with time, as it must.

But it is entirely possible to keep your skin in a healthy condition, virtually lineless, soft and supple.

This is done by protecting your skin and we mean all your skin – face, hands and body from the harsh rays of the sun, by wearing sun block daily.

Then each day keep your skin clean and moisturized. Just as you preen your hair by cleaning and conditioning it, so too must the skin be looked after daily to maintain a more youthful appearance.

These cleansing and moisturizing products must not be harsh so that they strip the natural acid mantle of your skin. They must be just right so that they cleanse correctly and moisturize the right amount.

Your skin loves to be cared for, as your mind and soul love to be nourished, so does your skin.

Chose the products that you put on to your skin wisely, as they do go into your body.

Look for products that do not harm or poison your beautiful body and look for products that do as they say they do.

Care for your skin as you would care for a new born baby –with love and you will be rewarded with soft, supple, shining skin.

For now we are done until tomorrow.

Age Defying Face

D. Skin's 'youthfulness' has less to do with age than how it has been treated.

The natural ageing of the skin starts at around 25 years of age, but it can even start earlier if you are already abusing your skin by exposing it to sun, smoke and stress. If you are, then no matter what your age, your skin will start ‘acting old,’ losing collagen, glow and elasticity. Lines will develop & pores can seem more pronounced.

Although it is easier to prevent damage than to repair it,

the good news is you can reverse skin damage.

While most skin changes are natural and harmless, some women do find it distressing to see lines appearing where there once were none. Fortunately, there is a great deal you can do to preserve the health of your skin and even heal some of the damage that has been done. However, it is also important to understand why these changes are taking place, in order to prevent further damage.

It is not vanity to care for your face and body, it is self respect

Thanks to advancements in the understanding of the ageing process, researchers have developed a wide range of approaches, ranging from dietary change to oral and topical antioxidants that can prevent the signs of skin ageing or treat them effectively.

Whether your skin is in good shape now and you want to preserve it, or you have uneven pigment, poor skin tone with fine lines, enlarged pores, sagginess, sallowness, or wrinkles, you can maintain or improve the health and vitality of your skin.

According to Dr. Nicholas Perricone, a dermatologist professor at Yale and a leading-edge scientist who has done nearly 20 years of research on natural and systemic approaches to radiant skin, ‘wrinkled, sagging skin is not the inevitable result of growing older. It is something that can be prevented and/or treated to a great extent.’

Why Skin Ages

The major cause of skin aging is sun damage, which we can easily appreciate by comparing the protected, smooth, wrinkle-free skin on our buttocks with the sun-exposed skin on our hands and our faces. But a lifetime of sun-aging is not the only factor that ages our skin. As we age, our body’s ability to repair skin slows down considerably.

When we are younger our skin cells can repair themselves easily and perfectly. But as we age the skin loses its ability to repair itself. The most widely accepted theory of why this happens and why skin on our bodies’ ages over time is termed the free radical theory of ageing.

In short, free radicals are oxygen molecules that have lost an electron through interaction with other molecules. The resulting oxygen molecules are very unstable and reactive. In order to restore their missing electron, they steal them from other “healthy” molecules, thus creating more free radicals and in the process, damaging cells. The result in the body is like rust on steel.

The collagen layer of our skin is especially susceptible to free radical damage that arises from sun and pollution exposure, resulting in a process known as cross-linking. Cross-linking of the naturally supple collagen molecules makes them become stiff and inflexible, eventually resulting in skin that looks and feels “old and leathery.”

Free radicals that are produced when the sun hits the skin activate molecules known as transcription factors, which signal cellular DNA to produce proteins that are pro-inflammatory and harmful to the cell. This same process also produces collagen-digesting enzymes that can leave tiny defects in the skin which give rise, over time, to wrinkles.

Antioxidants have been found to stop or even reverse free-radical damage, to stop sub-clinical inflammation, and even to help mend some types of scarring.

Cleanse, tone and moisturize your face and neck every morning and night without fail.

It will become a daily ritual that you will do every morning and night without fail.

Believe me the results of this 2 minute routine everyday are well worth the effort!

There are a multitude of products on the market to look after your skin, but you do not need every one of them, skincare should be very simple and easy so long as you are using products that actually do make a visible difference to the skin by either slowing down the ageing process or reversing a certain amount of ageing of the skin.

Most important of all: use the products: having them sitting in your bathroom cabinet will not maintain a youthful appearance, use them!

You do not have to spend a fortune on skincare products to look more youthful.

I find it incredibly sad to see many women spending a small fortune often every week on the latest and greatest skincare products in the effort to stave off the ageing process. When in fact the result is that they do not and will not look any younger at all!

However there are wonderful new products due to advanced research that do assist the skin to look more youthful. But you do not need a multitude of products to make that difference. The simple 3 step cleanse, tone and moisturize routine will suffice in most cases with some extra products for your particular problem areas.
The care of your skin needs to be a daily ritual that you would never, ever not do!

Just as you would not go without cleaning your teeth twice a day,

so you should not ever go without this simple skincare routine.

Skincare does not need to be hard or difficult it is a very simple process that will literally take you a few minutes every morning and night, but the results are well worth it!

What skin type do you have?

There are three basic skin types, oily, dry, and combination and then sensitive. As we age the skin naturally become drier than what it was as a teenager.

To determine your skin type, look at your face closely in the mirror.

What do you see?

Blemishes, flakiness, open pores, blackheads, lines, crepiness …?

Oily Skin

Looks shiny and /or greasy all over

Has wide open pores all over

Gets spots and blemishes all over

Dry Skin

Dry, matte look to the skin

Gets flaky pieces of skin

Rarely or never gets any spots or blemishes

Combination Skin

Has an oily T-Zone, shiny across the forehead, down the nose and on the chin

Dry matte skin on the cheeks and neck

Gets spots & blemishes particularly on the chin and when menstruating

Has blackheads around the nose

May have small spots under the skin on the forehead

Sensitive Skin

Can be any one of the above skin types - oily, dry or combination but with the added problem of being sensitive

Allergic to some skin products

Dry and itchy

Breakouts when using some skin products

If from these descriptions you cannot determine what skin type you have, then pop into your local beauty counter and ask them to look at your skin to tell you what type it is. Or make an appointment with a Beauty Therapist and have a half hour skin care analysis, generally at no cost, but check when making the appointment.

Which products to use?

Once you know what skin type you have, then you will know what skin care products are best for your skin. Using the wrong products can and will aggravate your skin.

Over the years skincare products have improved dramatically and there have been some major breakthroughs. Whilst it is best to start looking after your skin in your early teens it is never too late to start!

The most important products that I believe make a difference are those with high doses of Vitamin A along with Vitamin C and E. For optimal skincare those very replenishing anti-oxidants that we should put in our body each day we should also put onto our skin daily to keep it healthy and youthful.

Vitamin A, C and E work together to boost the entire anti-oxidant network within the skin, providing excellent protection against free radicals.

Vitamin A –a strong exfoliant that helps speed cell turnover

Vitamin C - aids healthy collagen production

Vitamin E – an excellent moisturizer

Look for products that have these essential vitamins in them. The higher percentage of each Vitamin the more success you will have. Vitamin A in its most concentrated form will when you first use it, can irritate your skin, therefore it is best to start with a lower percentage and slowly work your way to a higher percentage as your skin gets used to it. But the results are worth it!

The first and most effective anti-ageing things you can do…

1. Protect your skin in the sun

2. Stop smoking (or don’t start)

3. Find natural ways of dealing with stress

4. Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water every day

5. Stop today using soap on your face and neck the alkaline content in soap is too drying for your face

6. Then go to your local beauty or store or beauty therapist and ask for the correct products for skin type

7. Do not just buy any product that you like the look of, it is essential to get the correct products for your age and skin type

Expensive is not necessarily best!

Be a responsible consumer and look for products that are certified organic, that do not test on animals and do not have any animal by-products in them, if in doubt ask the skincare consultant or go online to check www.caringconsumers.com

The 3 main skincare products that you require are: cleanser, toner and moisturizer.

Every skin type needs to use a cleanser, toner and moisturizer and not miss any one of these important steps, as each product has its important role to play.

Use oily products on oily skin, dry products on dry skin, combination products on combination skin and sensitive products on sensitive skin


· Start cleansing your face and neck with either one of two things –a cleanser suitable for your skin type

· Apply a small amount of cleanser to your fingertips, then gently massage it all over your face and neck (Your neck ages before your face, I have seen teenagers with deep lines on their neck, that cannot only be removed without surgery, so prevention is better than cure!)

· Gently massage the cleanser all over your face, avoiding pulling around the eyes, then remove with cotton squares, then rinse with warm water using a face cloth. Never use hot water on the face as this will stretch the skin and can cause broken capillaries.

· If you are wearing makeup repeat the process to ensure you have removed not only all the dirt and grime from normal everyday living but also every particle of makeup.

Never, ever go to bed with makeup on!

If you are wearing makeup it is vital that you remove it before going to bed. The tossing and turning grinds the makeup into the pores and causes clogs and grime to go deeper. The eyelashes also take a beating by being squished with dried, cakey mascara, causing them to break off. No matter how late you get home or how tired you are, remove your makeup before going to bed, it just takes two minutes to preserve your skin.


· Apply toner with a cotton ball and pat it gently onto the face and neck avoiding around the eyes and lip area. While cleanser removes makeup, dirt, grime, perspiration and opens up the pores. Toner closes the pores and removes any residual cleanser.


· Apply moisturizer over your entire face, neck and right down your neck to the breastbone and rub the residual cream into your hands.

This simple three-step skincare routine will keep your skin looking healthy and youthful.

However if you are still having problems with your skin, then you may require a consultation with a dermatologist or skincare professional as it maybe other factors that are causing problems with your skin.

Others look at your face more than any other part of your body!

You have a right to feel and look great!


Oh those dreaded things that always seem to come up just when you have somewhere important to go to.

As tempting as it is, do not squeeze a spot(s) as this will not only spread them under the skin where they break when you squeeze, but it will also leave an ugly scar that may never go away.

The correct way to remove a spot is by using a sterilized sewing needle (Place the sewing needle in a saucer then pour over boiling hot water from the jug and leave for a few minutes). Then use the sterilized sewing needle to gently pierce the spot, then and only then can you very gently push down on the skin around the spot and hopefully the offending puss will pop out.

Then apply a medicated anti-spot lotion to the area so that this will dry it out. As hard as it is, please keep your hands away from the spot and let it heal naturally.

Do not dry the spots out by lying in the sun as this will age you quicker than anything else and of course increasing the risk of skin cancer.

A Youthful Neck

Our neck is vulnerable to ageing lines, unwanted folds and a double chin. Many women completely ignore and neglect this delicate area in their daily skin care routine. The neck will show this sign of neglect with what is often referred to as the “chicken neck”, which looks like little red raised dots and/or a flabby chin and neck such as chickens have.

Whilst a woman may have a well maintained face, one only has to look at the neck and décolleté to tell her age as it will be dry and wrinkled with horizontal lines. Unfortunately even the most brilliant makeup techniques cannot disguise it.

The best way to slow down this sign of ageing or even reverse it is with a good daily skincare routine with the correct products.

A neglected neck can show the real age of a well-groomed and well-maintained face.

Sun exposure is one of the worst culprits along with lack of a good skin care routine which results in dryness and lack of elasticity. This premature ageing process is also affected by the use of harsh alkaline products such as soaps, which contribute to excessive moisture loss and sensitivities. Impurities on the side of the neck and on the décolleté, often seen on long distance runners and sports people are sure signs of neglect

People with oily skin often do not apply a moisturizer onto the neck, which is a big mistake as the neck and décolleté will still age prematurely.

Skin care does not finish at the chin!

The neck muscle (Platysma) is not connected to a bone structure and is prone to lose its elasticity. It contains very little fatty tissue and has less sebaceous glands than on the face. The lack of sebaceous (Oily) glands makes this area very prone to dryness and wrinkle formation.

Thus the reason this very delicate area requires a good daily skin care routine using the correct products that you would not necessarily use on the face as these products maybe too full of moisture for the face area. But in saying that there are some products that can be used on both the face and neck area, if you already have an extremely dry face. The important thing is to use them, not leave them sitting in the bathroom cabinet–and to do this every morning and every night without fail!

Beauty Therapy Treatments

I also believe that a monthly professional in salon treatment maintains the necks firmness, prevents moisture loss and keeps its natural youthful smooth appearance.

Often when I visit a beauty therapist out of town, they comment on how youthful my neck area is. This is due to the fact that I have always cleansed, toned and moisturized this area along with my face and décolleté every day since I was thirteen years of age.

Good posture helps, as slouching will definitely cause those strong necklace lines that can even be seen on young teenagers. And once they are there they are there for life! So stand up tall and confident with your head held high!

The décolleté (chest area above the bust) is prone to sensitivities, and without any fat tissue it will easily show signs of dryness, lines between the cleavage, premature wrinkling and pigmentation spots due to over sun exposure.

Neck Creams, Serums, Ampoules and Oils

There are many different formulations available in the skin care industry that contain new innovative product releases that will help to delay the ageing process, ensure proper cell division, and regeneration of the skin.

Such formulations may contain Retinol to stimulate the skin's cell turn over, anti-oxidants Vitamin A, E, and C to reduce dryness and hyperpigmentation, present an effective buffer against moisture loss and restore the skin's natural radiance and firmness.

<>Ampoules or serums provide an excellent quick fix for the tired and sun stressed skin on the neck and décolleté. Ampoules should have anti-ageing and hydrating ingredients which will help to enhance the skin's ability to retain moisture that will contribute to firmer, younger looking skin.

Age Defying Neck…

· Hold your head up high

· Sleeping without the pillow helps in preventing double chins

· Cleanse, tone and moisturize the neck and décolleté every day

· Apply a special neck/body cream/oil every morning and night to the neck, décolleté and bust

· Once a week gently exfoliate the neck, décolleté and bust

· When you apply a face mask apply it on the neck too

· Visit your Beauty Therapist monthly for a facial, neck and décolleté treatment

Step One: Love Yourself

Love yourself enough to commit to the INSIDEOUT 30 day program to transform your life

Step Two: Peace of Mind

Change every negative thought to a positive one to create peace of mind

Step Three: Exercise

Start today walking everyday for at least half an hour and observe your surrounding as you do

Step Four: Diet

Create a balanced lifestyle diet by increasing the anti ageing foods and decreasing the age accelerators

Step Five: Meditation

Meditate between 5 minutes and 20 minutes upon waking every morning

Step Six: Sun Sense

Wear Factor 15 or higher sun block everyday on any exposed skin

Step Seven: Sleep

Make your sleeping place a haven to be enjoyed and sleep 8 hours every night

Step Eight: Breathing

Take 10 deep breaths everyday when ever you feel stressed and at the beginning of your meditation

Step Nine: Posture

Stand straight and tall and look the world right in the eye!

Step Ten: Smoking

Stop smoking today! Drink alcohol in moderation

Step Eleven: Relax

Life is meant to be fun – practice positive thinking daily!

Step Twelve: Skincare

Cleanse, tone and moisturize your face and neck every morning and night without fail

Day 13 / Step 13


G. Start reading a book today.

Expand your mind, expand your knowledge, and expand your horizons.

If you are not a reader, try today to start reading a book. <>Keeping your mind open and alert and your imagination alive you will always have the enthusiasm for life that the young have. Questioning life, learning about new things, gives you an energy, a zest for life as you continue to expand your mind and your horizons. <>mmersing yourself in a good book does wonders for the body, soul and the mind.

Your body relaxes when reading a good book and your soul sings and your mind expands.

Reading keeps you young of mind, young of heart and young of spirit.

But do be careful what you choose to read – as your mind is incredibly powerful, what you feed it, what you think will come to pass.

So if you are reading a novel remember it is just that, a novel, not real life and not your real life.

If you currently only read trade, or business magazines, journals, books and papers, start reading another topic, that you are interested in, something that will make your heart sing.

If you currently read a lot of gossip magazines, stop buying them and reading them. Stop right now as they not do your mind and soul any benefits. You would do well to purchase a good book or go to the library and get out several great books on subjects that you think will interest you.

Start reading today – we challenge you to have completed one book by the time you have finished this program at step 30.

If you currently read books other than work related, gossip related and newspapers then bravo you are keeping your mind active and your spirit young and this energy will show in your face and body as a real zest for life! <>
For now we are done until tomorrow.

Expand Your Mind -- Improve Your Brain

D. Did you know your brain shrinks with age?

A shrinking brain means you have to have someone else do the thinking for you instead of you thinking for yourself.

Do you want an ageing brain to be your fate?

Your brain shrinks naturally as you age.


You take steps to keep it young.

Reading is the perfect exercise to keep your brain younger at any age.

Your brain needs exercise just like a muscle. If you use it often and in the right ways, you will become a more skilled thinker and increase your ability to focus. But if you never use your brain, or abuse it with harmful chemicals, your ability to think and learn will deteriorate.

Here are some simple ways to maintain your brain power!

Minimize Television Watching

Watching television doesn’t use your mental capacity OR allow it to recharge. It’s like having the energy sapped out of a muscle without the health benefits of exercise.

Don’t you feel drained after a couple hours of TV? Your eyes are sore and tired from being focused on the light box for so long. You don’t even have the energy to read a book.

When you feel like relaxing, try reading a book instead. There is nothing wrong with a little TV but keep it in proportion to your other activities like reading.


Time spent exercising always leads to greater learning because it improves productivity during the time afterwards. Using your body clears your head and creates a wave of energy. Afterwards, you feel invigorated and can concentrate more easily on that wonderful book.

Early to Bed, Early to Rise

Nothing makes it harder to concentrate than sleep deprivation. It is important to have those 8 hours every night so you can enjoy being able to fully concentrate on your book.

Enjoy others company

Cultivate friendships with people who think differently to you as this will challenge your own ideas and perhaps open up another way of thinking and even new books.


Challenge to your sense of normalcy and go outside your own culture through travel and social gatherings…travel is great especially if you immerse yourself into a new culture and before you go to a new destination, read all about this new and exciting place.

Turn of the computer and cell phone

It is okay to turn off your cell phone and email. Reflective thought and deep reading take time.

Start a book club

My friends and I love reading, so we decided once a month to meet over lunch or coffee and swap books that we really enjoyed reading. We named this club (just for fun) the BBBBB Club as one day when 3 of us were at a business meeting and this person came out and said “what’s this, the meeting of the BBBBB club?” We looked up and said, “Pardon?” to which he replied “beautiful, brainy, brilliant, blondes in black” (you guessed it we are all blonde and were on that day wearing black!).

So now the BBBBB Club (to which we have added a few more friends) meets once a month and shares books – its fun and we love reading other books that perhaps we may not have looked at before.

Reading expands your mind and keeps you young in more ways than one… it provides you with fresh new ideas, it keeps you up to date with the latest…it educates, entertains, informs, keeps your imagination alive and it maintains those all important brain cells!

Step One: Love Yourself

Love yourself enough to commit to the INSIDEOUT 30 day program to transform your life

Step Two: Peace of Mind

Change every negative thought to a positive one to create peace of mind

Step Three: Exercise

Start today walking everyday for at least half an hour and observe your surrounding as you do

Step Four: Diet

Create a balanced lifestyle diet by increasing the anti ageing foods and decreasing the age accelerators

Step Five: Meditation

Meditate between 5 minutes and 20 minutes upon waking every morning

Step Six: Sun Sense

Wear Factor 15 or higher sun block everyday on any exposed skin

Step Seven: Sleep

Make your sleeping place a haven to be enjoyed and sleep 8 hours every night

Step Eight: Breathing

Take 10 deep breaths everyday when ever you feel stressed and at the beginning of your meditation

Step Nine: Posture

Stand straight and tall and look the world right in the eye!

Step Ten: Smoking

Stop smoking today! Drink alcohol in moderation

Step Eleven: Relax

Life is meant to be fun – practice positive thinking daily!

Step Twelve: Skincare

Cleanse, tone and moisturize your face and neck every morning and night without fail

Step Thirteen: Reading

Read a book a week that is interesting and enjoyable to you

Day 14/ Step 14


G. We touched on this before with diet, but it is so important we want humans to know how important water is to their overall well being.

Without water in your beautiful bodies you will surely die – your body needs water simply to survive day- to-day.

Whilst some other fluids will do such as herbal teas the majority of other liquids that you put in to your body are laden with sugar and other such poisons. So they do not do for your body what is required –well that is if you want to live longer, healthy lives and look youthful.

Water not only keeps your joints lubricated and your bowels moving regularly and your precious liver flushed clean, it also plumps up your skin so that it looks as if it is meant to look – luminous, soft and clear.

Without adequate water in your beautiful body every day you are doing your body a disservice.

We urge you to give up your sugar laden and caffeine drinks in favor of pure, clean water.

The benefits of drinking water will far outweigh missing those other fluids. You may be addicted to those other fluids, so you will have to wean yourself off them slowly as you introduce more and more water into your daily diet.

Start with 2 glasses of water a day until you are drinking up to 8 glasses a day.

Water is not called the fountain of youth for nothing!

For now we are done until tomorrow.

The Fountain of Youth!

D. Where do we find that elusive fountain of youth?

Well it is literally right under our noses!

It is of course Water naturally!

Water is the true beauty fountain and health elixir!

You already know that it is good for you, it is easy to find, it is cheap and it is even free for most of us! So why don’t you drink more water?

Maybe this will convince you to drink more!

Dehydration of the skin is one of the biggest contributors to an aged skin! Remember the dry parched leaf all frizzled up and withered looking, as it has no moisture in it, well our skin can look the same when it is not hydrated properly. Then think of the leaf when it is green, moist and plump - just like our skin will be, if we only drink more water!

Whether during the heat of summer or during winter a combination of cold weather, icy winds, central heating and air conditioning can leave even the most well balanced skin feeling dry and tight. Apart from drinking water daily pop a glass full of water on your desk to keep the air moist rather than bone dry.

Severely dehydrated skin can become flaky, cracked, sore, inflamed and even infected!
Dry skin is either inherited or you can develop it because of hormonal changes, as we age our skin produces fewer lipids and so tends to become dryer and more prone to dehydration. Dehydrated lines on the face are the lines that can be plumped out!


· Hydrates the skin - plumping out those fine lines and wrinkles

· Makes your eyes sparkle and your skin will glow

· Improves your energy levels

· Regulates your body temperature

· Digest and absorb nutrients in food

· Lubricate joints

· Build Cells

· Move waste products from your body

· Improves your digestion and increases fat burning

· Eliminates chronic indigestion and constipation

Depending on the amount of body fat, fluids make up between 50%-70% of our body weight. Fluids are essential for carrying energy to cells. Drinking less will result in fatigue and weight gain.

Water needs depend on body weight. A smaller frame requires around 8 glasses of water a day while a larger frame requires 10 and a medium frame requires 9 glasses a day. Additional water is required when exercising continuously, an extra one glass per hour.

Don’t substitute alcohol, tea, coffee, colas and “smart” drinks for water as they have a diuretic effect speeding fluid losses while soft drinks just fill you up with gas. If you are going to continue drinking those other fluids have a glass of water each time you drink them.

Keep water flowing year round, even in the cold months as your body needs extra energy to maintain the right temperature. Drinking water can provide that energy to keep you warm. But don’t wait until you are thirsty to drink water. By the time you feel thirsty; you have probably already lost two or more cups of your total body water.

Start and end your day with water. Your body loses water while you sleep, so drink a glass of water going to bed and again when you wake up.

As the French women say, ‘one of the reasons they are not overweight is

because they drink a glass of water first thing in the morning’.

Have a glass of water every hour on the hour while you are at work. At the end of the day, you will easily meet your water quota. Drink water on the go. Carry a bottle of water when you commute to work or run errands.

Drink water ice cold, as water has to be heated before your body can use it. That takes energy or calories. Drinking 8 glasses of water a day can help you burn fat! If you are keen to maintain a healthy body weight, avoid the hidden calories in alcoholic drinks, juice and soft drinks.

Develop good drinking habits now. As we age our thirst signals decline with age, so it is important to develop the habit of drinking water.

Make drinking water a pleasant experience - choose a beautiful drinking vessel - like a wine glass - it will make you feel special! Turn it into a cocktail by adding slices of fruit - orange, strawberries, lime or my favorite lemon! I keep a jug of water with lemon juice in it in the fridge 24/7. I just love it!

So what are you waiting for - go pour yourself a glass of delicious ice cold water!

Step One: Love Yourself

Love yourself enough to commit to the INSIDEOUT 30 day program to transform your life

Step Two: Peace of Mind

Change every negative thought to a positive one to create peace of mind

Step Three: Exercise

Start today walking everyday for at least half an hour and observe your surrounding as you do

Step Four: Diet

Create a balanced lifestyle diet by increasing the anti ageing foods and decreasing the age accelerators

Step Five: Meditation

Meditate between 5 minutes and 20 minutes upon waking every morning

Step Six: Sun Sense

Wear Factor 15 or higher sun block everyday on any exposed skin

Step Seven: Sleep

Make your sleeping place a haven to be enjoyed and sleep 8 hours every night

Step Eight: Breathing

Take 10 deep breaths everyday when ever you feel stressed and at the beginning of your meditation

Step Nine: Posture

Stand straight and tall and look the world right in the eye!

Step Ten: Smoking

Stop smoking today! Drink alcohol in moderation

Step Eleven: Relax

Life is meant to be fun – practice positive thinking daily!

Step Twelve: Skincare

Cleanse, tone and moisturize your face and neck every morning and night without fail

Step Thirteen: Reading

Read a book a week that is interesting and enjoyable to you

Step Fourteen: Water

Drink 8 glasses (small frame) 9 glasses (medium frame) 10 (large frame) of pure clean water every day

Day 15 / Step 15


G. We mentioned yoga as Step 3 when we explained the importance of exercise. But now it is time to incorporate some yoga exercises into your daily regime. As yoga will keep your beautiful body supple like a young persons.

Moveable, supple and graceful, yoga is a wonderful way to stretch and extend your muscles and ligaments and open up your joints.

You may wish to join a yoga group where the encouragement of others will motivate you.

But you can just as easily learn and incorporate into your daily routine a few movements that will keep you limber, such as the exercises that Denyse will teach you.

Yoga is best performed in the morning after meditation as yoga is a spiritual experience as much as a physical one.

While you are still in your calm, peaceful state perform your 5 yoga movements.

You will feel refreshed, alive and full of energy.

Yoga lubricates your physical body and polishes your non-physical body by re-activating your chakras.

Stay calm, be peaceful., move slowly, breathe deeply and your yoga movements will tone your muscles, limber up your joints, free your mind and soothe your soul, making you look, feel and be more youthful.

For now we are done until tomorrow.

Exercise is… the meditation of the body

D. Exercise creates that same elation, “natural high” as you feel through meditation, increasing your energy that is life coursing through your body. Health is an announcement of agreement between your body, mind and soul. Radiantly healthy is very sexy!

Honor you body, keep it in good shape, as it is the most important physical tool that you have. It is a magnificent tool and extraordinary instrument. You can subject it to untold abuse and it will continue to serve you as best it can. But why reduce its effectiveness? Why abuse its systems? Why not be the best that you can be? Love it, care for it, and listen to it.

Look at what your body is showing you.

Do not observe other people’s body language, observe your own.

Health is reflected in your lifestyle, and if we ignore our bodies we may even by our mid-thirties, stiffen far more then necessary. Movement lubricates the muscles, ligaments and joints. If we become sedentary, the muscles lose tone and the muscle groups that hold us upright become unevenly matched. The joints then feel strain, lose space in which to articulate, and we start to suffer from wear and tear. At this point we become less inclined to move because it is not so comfortable to do so, this is premature ageing.

Our bodies are meant to be used; in fact we now know that prolonged rest is disastrous for the muscular and skeletal systems. A hospital patient confined to bed for a few weeks will suffer as much wasting in the muscles and bones as someone who has aged a decade.

The right form of exercise should do more than just firm your body - it should also soothe your soul, calm your mind and relieve tension in your body!

Deepak Chopra, the world famous expert on mind/body medicine, recommends walking and yoga as the ideal combination of exercises for strengthening and balancing the body.

Yoga prevents and can even reverse the most visible and obvious symptom of ageing – one that cannot be disguised or transformed cosmetically – the shortening and rounding of the spine. In our culture, where people spend years hunched over a desk or steering wheel or engaged in other activities that tend to pull our upper body forward, a rounded upper back, forward head and collapsed chest are so prevalent among people over the age of 50 that we almost consider it a normal part of ageing.

Over the course of a normal lifetime, the spine degenerates and the body becomes shorter. When the back becomes rounded, it compresses the chest, causing shallow breathing. By limiting the amount of oxygen the cells receive, this ‘old age posture’ contributes to cardiovascular and other health problems.

Yoga counteracts and reverses all of this.

Poor posture and the degeneration of the spinal cord column affect the health of every system of the body. Not only does a rounded back and collapsed chest restrict breathing but they interfere with the vital flow of blood and nerve impulses to the internal organs. With regular practice, yoga helps restore the strength and agility of the spine, slowing and even reversing the common degenerative changes of growing older.

Data/studies show that exercise can reverse the biological markers of ageing – bone density, strength of muscles, blood pressure, aerobic capacity and others. It is now well established that you can take a 97-year-old man or woman, put them on an exercise program, and show reversals in the ageing process.

Unfortunately for me after my back prolapsed I ended up having an operation on my back “that went wrong,” and I could not walk for some time. From being in a wheel chair, a walking stick and a long slow rehabilitation and now my right leg has been left mostly numb.

It was /is important that I look after my back so not to cause any other major problems; it was on this quest that I discovered these five exercises that I do each day so I can continue to live a normal healthy life well into old age.

Because of them not only am I free of back pain but I am also more supple and fitter than I was when I was younger. I combine both physical and spiritual exercises together - the stretching and strengthening of yoga with the speeding up of my chakras. As I believe that maintaining our health in optimum condition is not only physical it is also very spiritual.

The body has seven energy centers which are in English could be called vortexes. The Hindus call them chakras. They are powerful energy fields, invisible to the eye, but quite real nonetheless. These seven chakras govern the seven ductless glands in the body’s endocrine system, and the endocrine glands, in turn, regulate all of the body’s functions, including the process of ageing.

The first root chakra is located at the base of the spine. The second sacral chakra is located in the area of the lower abdomen below the navel. The third solar plexus chakra is located above the navel and below the chest. The fourth heart chakra is located in the centre of the chest. The fifth throat chakra is located in the throat area. The sixth brow chakra is located at the centre of the forehead, between the eyebrows known as the third eye. The seventh, highest crown chakra is located at the crown of the head.

In a healthy body, each of the chakras revolves at great speed, permitting vital life energy, called prana to flow upward through the endocrine system. But if one or more of these chakras begins to slow down, the flow of vital energy is inhibited or blocked, and – well that is just another name for ageing and ill health.

These spinning chakras extend outward from the flesh in a healthy individual, but in the old, weak and sickly they hardly reach the surface. The quickest way to regain youth, health and vitality is to start these energy centers spinning normally again. There are five simple exercises that will accomplish this. Any of them alone is helpful, but all five are required together to achieve the best results.

A strong healthy 25-year male or female will have all the chakras spinning at the same speed, but as we age and don’t exercise they speed at different rates – none of them would be working together in harmony. The slower ones would be causing that part of the body to deteriorate, while the faster ones would be causing nervousness, anxiety and exhaustion. It is the abnormal condition of the chakras that produces abnormal health, deterioration and old age, before our time.

There are many reports of men and women in there eighties and nineties and even older still performing yoga exercises easier and with more suppleness than a twenty year old.

Exercise daily to avoid premature ageing!

So that you can always dance your dance, run, laugh, explore, make love and sing your song!

Don't be afraid! Seize the day!!

Five Exercises to Maintain and Regain Health, Vitality and Youth!

As with all exercises please consult with your Doctor or health professional before commencing any exercise program…

Exercise Number One

The first exercise is a simple one. It is done for the express purpose of speeding up the chakras. All you do is stand with your arms erect out-stretched, horizontal to the floor. Now without wandering from the spot you are in, slowly spin around until you become slightly dizzy. It is important to spin from left to right. In other words, if you were to put a clock on a floor face up, you would turn in the same direction as the clock hands. Do this maybe five times to start with but eventually no more than 21 times.

Exercise Number Two

The second exercise further stimulates the seven chakras but also strengthens the stomach muscles and stretches the ligaments in your legs. The stomach muscles need to be firm in order to keep the back strong and straight. It is the stomach muscles that hold the back upright. If these are loose then you not only have a flabby stomach but also are far more likely to damage your back. Lengthening the ligaments in the legs is especially important for women who often wear high shoes that shorten the ligaments.

Lie flat on your back, fully extend your arms along your sides and place the palms of your hands against the floor, keeping your fingers together. Then raise your head off the floor, tucking your chin against your chest. As you do this. Lift your legs with knees straight to a vertical position. If possible, let your legs extend back over your body, toward your head, but do not let your knees bend. Then slowly lower your head and legs, knees straight, to the floor. Allow all of your muscles to relax. And then repeat.

With each repetition, establish a breathing rhythm, breathe in deeply as you lift your legs and head, and breathe out fully as you lower them. Between repetitions, while you are allowing the muscles to relax, continue breathing in the same rhythm. The more deeply you breathe the better. Once again start of with as few as you can do eventually working up to no more than 21 each day.

Exercise Number Three

The third exercise is practiced immediately after number two. This is excellent for stretching the neck, keeping it long and elegant and also for stretching the knees, toes and spine backwards.

Kneel on the floor with both knees bent and the trunk of your body erect. Your hands should be placed at arm’s length against your thigh muscles. Now incline your head and neck forward, tucking in your chin against your chest. Then gently move your head and neck backward as far as they will go, and at the same time lean backward, arching the spine. As you arch, brace your arms and hands against your thighs for support. After arching, return to the original position and start all over again.

Once again your breathing is important – breathe deeply as you arch your spine. Breathe out as you return to an erect position. Deep breathing is very beneficial, so take in as much air into your lungs as you can.

Exercise Number Four

I thought this would be the most difficult exercise of all for me to do, as I am not very flexible, but I was surprised that I could actually do this exercise quite easily. This exercise opens up the chest, which is important for maintaining a straight back, as we age many of us start to hunch over and concave the chest, this opens and expands the chest, which of course also makes it easier to breathe deeply. It is also great for upper body strength.

Sit on the floor with your legs straight out in front of you and your feet placed apart about the width of your shoulders. With the trunk of your body erect, place the palms of your hands on the floor alongside your buttocks, fingers pointing toward your toes. Then tuck your chin forward against your chest. Now let your head sink backward as far as it will go. At the same time, raise your body so that your knees bend while your arms remain straight. The trunk of your body will be in a straight line with your upper legs, horizontal to the floor. And both your arms and lower legs will be straight up and down, perpendicular to the floor. Then tense every muscle in your body. Finally relax your muscles as you return to the original sitting position and rest before repeating the exercise.

Again breathing is important. Breathe in deeply as you raise your body. Hold your breath as you tense your muscles, and then breathe out completely as you come down. While you rest in between repetitions, continue to breathe in the same rhythm.

Exercise Number Five

In yoga terms, known as the downward facing dog position. This exercise provides upper body strength, stretches the back, lengthens the legs and neck and opens the chest, creating graceful movements for a lifetime, as well as speeding up the chakras.

Facing the floor, position your palms down to the floor and your feet should be in a flexed position, toes down to the floor. Both your hands and feet should be spaced apart more or less the width of your shoulders, and your arms and legs should be kept straight. Start with you arms straight, perpendicular to the floor and your spine arched, so that your body is in a sagging position. Now gently move your head backward as far as possible. Then bending at the hips, bring your body up into an inverted V position. At the same time, bring your chin forward, tucking it against your chest. Return to your original position and start again.

Once you become proficient at it, let your body drop from the raised position to a point almost, but not quite, touching the floor. Tense your muscles for a moment both at the raised point and at the low point. Follow the same breathing pattern –breathe in deeply as you raise your body – breathe out fully as you lower it.

Step One: Love Yourself

Love yourself enough to commit to the INSIDEOUT 30 day program to transform your life

Step Two: Peace of Mind

Change every negative thought to a positive one to create peace of mind

Step Three: Exercise

Start today walking everyday for at least half an hour and observe your surrounding as you do

Step Four: Diet

Create a balanced lifestyle diet by increasing the anti ageing foods and decreasing the age accelerators

Step Five: Meditation

Meditate between 5 minutes and 20 minutes upon waking every morning

Step Six: Sun Sense

Wear Factor 15 or higher sun block everyday on any exposed skin

Step Seven: Sleep

Make your sleeping place a haven to be enjoyed and sleep 8 hours every night

Step Eight: Breathing

Take 10 deep breaths everyday when ever you feel stressed and at the beginning of your meditation

Step Nine: Posture

Stand straight and tall and look the world right in the eye!

Step Ten: Smoking

Stop smoking today! Drink alcohol in moderation

Step Eleven: Relax

Life is meant to be fun – practice positive thinking daily!

Step Twelve: Skincare

Cleanse, tone and moisturize your face and neck every morning and night without fail

Step Thirteen: Reading

Read a book a week that is interesting and enjoyable to you

Step Fourteen: Water

Drink 8 glasses (small frame) 9 glasses (medium frame) 10 (large frame) of pure clean water every day

Step Fifteen: Yoga

Perform the 5 easy yoga exercises each day after meditating

Day 16 /Step 16

G. We ask you please to look now at your hands – what do you see?

Hard working hands that do so very much for you every day or are they beautifully groomed hands that still do so much for you every day?

Humans take these wonderful tools for granted and rarely take the time to honor them by truly looking after them. God gave you these wonderful tools so that you can achieve so very much in a day.

Regardless of how they currently look they are beautiful tools belonging to a beautiful body.

We ask that you respect and honor and love your hands to look after them. If only once a week you sit down and give them some moisturizer and care, even this will change how they will look and how you will start treating them on a daily basis.

Hands are made for working, for doing many daily tasks that you ask of them.

Start today and moisturize them often and protect them from the sun and the harsh chemicals that they are so often subjected to.

Love your beautiful hands that God gave you and treat them with tender loving care.

For now we are done until tomorrow.

Ageless Hands

Just as facial skin shows signs of ageing so does the skin on your hands and feet in fact it is often these areas that are neglected and age quicker. Ever heard someone say, “Look at a woman’s hands to see her age!”

The quickest way to have aged hands is to constantly expose them to sunlight without wearing a broad spectrum sun protection cream. The sun’s harmful rays damage the skin far more than any thing else, with hands and feet often exposed to the sun it is no wonder others often judge you by your hands.

The other cause of poor condition hands is frequent contact with water, detergents and other household cleansers. The more prolonged the contact with water, the more drying the effect. Therefore always dry your hands thoroughly especially between the fingers, to reduce chapping and keep a container of hand cream by the sink and always use it after you have dried your hands.

I grew up in a household where we wore rubber gloves for washing the dishes and doing other household chores, which I believe has made a big difference to my hands.

Now of course with the dish washer I don’t find I have to wear rubber gloves every day, which is just as well. As wearing those for more than 10 minutes at a time can also dry out the skin, as they make your hands sweat inside, so your hands are simply immersed in perspiration instead of water, which is equally drying. Cotton lined gloves are a good idea if you are involved in doing long chores, because the lining absorbs the sweat and prevents problems.

Red scaly irritated patches on hands are a further development from repeated exposure to water, the natural protective mantle of the skin is disturbed making it more susceptible to irritation from detergents and other chemicals in common use. Occasionally this is due to a reaction to the metal, but more often it is because an irritating substance has been trapped under the ring and held in prolonged contact with the skin. So take off your rings to do housework (To not only protect your hands but to also protect the rings from harsh chemicals) so the water does not sit under the ring.

The shape and color of your nails may provide pointers of your health.

Pale or bluish nails may indicate anemia. If the pink color is slow to return when the nails is squeezed, may be a sign of decreased blood circulation.

Clubbed nails shaped like the back of a spoon may mean cardiopulmonary disease or asthma. Spoon nails which dip inwards could mean certain types of anemia or injury. Pitted nails with punched-out spots may signal psoriasis. If you have any of these problems see your Doctor.

While nails can be in poor shape because of general ill health, more often than not it is due to a poor diet. The popular belief that eating gelatin can improve the condition of the nail is not true, nor will any protein product applied to the nails help. Brittleness and peeling are basically all symptoms of the same problem, excessive drying out of the nail plate.

The nail plate is made of layers of dead keratin cells, which are bound together by a kind of natural glue containing fats and water.

Anything causing a loss of these fats and water leads to the keratin cells separating –which produces the flaking. Having your hands immersed in water for a long time or very frequently dehydrates the nails and contact with strong detergents removes the natural fats. Thus the importance of wearing rubber gloves with cotton inside when doing housework.

To maintain anti ageing hands and nails either have a professional manicure or do it yourself once a week. Do not do this more than once a week as frequent use of nail polish remover can also make the nails brittle.

If your nail enamel chips during the week, just paint over top of the old polish rather than remove it and start again. When you do use remover, always wash your hands to rinse off the residue. Do choose a good remover rather then acetone as this will dry the nails out.

Nail conditioning creams cannot actually nourish the nails, but using a good hand cream regularly can have a good effect if you massage it in around the nail base. The massage can help stimulate growth by improving circulation and blood supply to the root of the nail; the cream will help to protect against surface drying.

I love wearing nail enamel as it keeps my nails strong. I find if I don’t wear it, then that is exactly the time they break. Even if it is a clear polish it still protects the nails.

When applying nail enamel start with a base coat as this will stop the polish from discoloring your nail. Then apply one coat of polish starting from the base to the tip in one brush in the middle of the nail then do either side of the nail once again from base to tip without stopping. Once this has dried apply another coat in the same manner. Finish with a top coat, take this just under your nail to seal the polish and to avoid chipping throughout the week.

Choose a nail enamel color that works with most of the clothes that you wear, so you are not changing colors mid week. I prefer a neutral tone that matches all my clothes.

Use an emery board to shape your nails rather than scissors or metal files as they can damage the nail. Do not file your nails with a sawing motion of to-and-fro as this will weaken the tips and they are more likely to break off. Always file in the one direction using the rough side of the emery board for shortening or shaping and the fine side to smooth rough edges.

File your nails when they are dry and hard not soft and wet and avoid filing your nails far down into the corners as the tips are less likely to break if they are supported by straight sides.

Manicure Checklist…

· Give yourself a manicure once a week ( A good time is on a Sunday night while watching TV just before going to bed as this allows your nail enamel at least 8 hours to dry hard). Or alternatively have a weekly professional manicure.

· Use a good nail polish remover, wash you hands after use.

· File you nails using an emery board.

· Apply one coat of base coat

· Apply two coats of nail enamel

· Apply one coat of top coat

· Use a good moisture filled hand cream that incorporates a broad spectrum sunscreen with a factor 15 or higher and use it as often as possible during the day!

Step One: Love Yourself

Love yourself enough to commit to the INSIDEOUT 30 day program to transform your life

Step Two: Peace of Mind

Change every negative thought to a positive one to create peace of mind

Step Three: Exercise

Start today walking everyday for at least half an hour and observe your surrounding as you do

Step Four: Diet

Create a balanced lifestyle diet by increasing the anti ageing foods and decreasing the age accelerators

Step Five: Meditation

Meditate between 5 minutes and 20 minutes upon waking every morning

Step Six: Sun Sense

Wear Factor 15 or higher sun block everyday on any exposed skin

Step Seven: Sleep

Make your sleeping place a haven to be enjoyed and sleep 8 hours every night

Step Eight: Breathing

Take 10 deep breaths everyday when ever you feel stressed and at the beginning of your meditation

Step Nine: Posture

Stand straight and tall and look the world right in the eye!

Step Ten: Smoking

Stop smoking today! Drink alcohol in moderation

Step Eleven: Relax

Life is meant to be fun – practice positive thinking daily!

Step Twelve: Skincare

Cleanse, tone and moisturize your face and neck every morning and night without fail

Step Thirteen: Reading

Read a book a week that is interesting and enjoyable to you

Step Fourteen: Water

Drink 8 glasses (small frame) 9 glasses (medium frame) 10 (large frame) of pure clean water every day

Step Fifteen: Yoga

Perform the 5 easy yoga exercises each day after meditating

Step Sixteen: Hands

Have a weekly manicure, wear sun block on your hands every day and wear gloves when using chemicals

Day 17 / Step 1

G. Just as your hands are made for working so too are your wonderful, gorgeous, fabulous feet.

Feet are marvelous, look at what they do for you everyday – they walk, run, skip, dance, stand…they do what you ask of them…yet they are so often the most abused part of the human body.

We ask you what you would do without your feet?

Think on this for just a moment and you will realize how wonderful your beautiful feet are.

All that we ask is that you give them some care in return for all their hard work – love them, cherish them and care for them.

This may mean going to a professional every now and then to maintain your feet in good working order. But overall with a bit of maintenance from yourself regularly, your feet will stay in good working order for your entire lifetime.

Keep your toenails short and decorate them with nail varnish if that is your desire and choose the shoes that you wear with much care.

As it is the wearing of the wrong shoes that we observe causes much pain to your feet and exasperates other problems.

Love your feet for the wonderful fabulous amazing tools that they are.

They love you; they care for you, so please do them the honor of loving and caring for them back.

For now we are done until tomorrow.

Fearless Feet

D. Our amazing feet are fearless even against the odds! For many it simply is a case of out of sight out of mind! But don’t wait until you have a problem. Neglect can leave the skin on your feet up to 30 times thicker than on the rest of the body, not a pretty look!

Considering that the average person takes 8,000 to 16,000 steps a day (that’s about 115,000 miles in a lifetime – more than four times the circumference of the globe) tottering around in stilettos and pointy shoes can make matters worse.

But don’t toss those pairs of sexy summer sandals out yet, as they are simply a must in your summer and evening wardrobe! But do give your feet a little tender loving care so that they remain healthy and youthful!

I personally enjoy having a professional pedicure as they can see my feet much better than I can and the nail enamel lasts longer when they apply it. I think it is essential to visit your podiatrist every six weeks/months as well.

Nothing looks worse than hardened heels, neglected toe nails and peeling polish regardless if it is summer or winter. My feet reward me with years of carrying my body, so I like to take care of them as best I can!

A professional pedicure is a great foundation for beautiful feet; it is like having your teeth cleaned at the dentist. You can do the maintenance at home, but every so often you need a professional to tend to your feet.

It is most important to cut your toenails correctly to avoid future problems.

The three cardinal rules are…

1. Do not cut them too short

2. Do not cut down the side of the nail

3. Always follow the shape of the toe

The first rule is the most important. If you press your thumbs on a hard surface, you can see how the blood is driven from under the nail. The nail plate is firmly attached to a bone, and when you press down on it, the soft tissues surrounding it are pushed up. This happens to your toe every time you take a step. If you cut the nail too short, it is easy to push the soft tissues up around it. So despite holes in socks and hosiery do not go wild with clippers. The free edge of the nail must rest on the end of the toe so that it is less likely to be pushed into the soft tissues.

Never cut down the side of the nail plate. These also rest on folds in the skin, called sulci. All skin sheds cells, which normally float away as dust, but in the nail sulci, this tends to collect in the fold in the skin. When this accumulates, it can make the sulci very tender and may cause pain.

It is very tempting to dig down the side of the nail with a pair of scissors or a sharp instrument, but resist. This is how ingrown toenails are caused, and these are both unsightly and painful and will probably require surgery.

Feet contain around 120,000 sweat glands and the average foot pumps out 300ml of perspiration a day. So for the sake of those around you use a foot deodorant, spray or talc. Peppermint oil provides a wonderful cooling action on the feet.

Whilst your feet may perspire profusely the skin on your feet is the least oily on your whole body so when you apply your body moisturizer each day after a shower, also massage some moisturizer into the feet.

Cutting calluses is a no-no! You can get an infection by doing so.

If you use a foot buffer to remove the dead skin after your daily shower and wear shoes that fit well, you can avoid developing calluses in the first place. But if you do have them I suggest you go straight to your podiatrist.

Corns are caused by friction and pressure from skin rubbing against a bony area and can become painful if irritated by shoes. Bunions are inherited bone deformity on the joint of the big toe and are worsened by wearing pointy shoes. A ‘black toe’ is blood collected under the nail caused by toe jamming against the inside of a shoe, a common problem for runners.

Yellowed nails come from wearing dark nail email for extended amounts of time or sometimes fungus can be the cause. Dehydration of the nail from using too harsh a polish remover can cause white spots on the nails or sometimes trauma or fungus can also cause these white spots.

Walking around in high heels or even a pair of sneakers if they do not fit properly can quickly undo the healing effects of a pedicure. The most important thing you can do for your feet is wear correctly fitted shoes at all times regardless of whether they are flat or high

Just as you use a base and top coat on your fingernails when applying nail enamel do the same for your toe nails.

Start with one coat of base coat, then two coats of nail enamel in the same color as your finger nail enamel, and then finish with one coat of top coat. This will help keep the polish on the nails longer without chipping.

Just as facial skin shows signs of ageing, so does the skin on your feet. There’s a slow down in circulation and cell turnover and skin starts to lose elasticity creating more calluses and cracks, as well as making nails tougher.

Also the more time we spend on our feet the rougher the skin becomes. To keep feet soft, you will need to be more diligent than when you were younger. Exfoliate once a week with pumice and moisturize them every day with a product that contains Shea Butter, Aloe Vera and/or Vitamin E after your shower.

For extra special care of hands and feet slather ‘Papaw’ ointment onto them at night time. Then cover with a pair of cotton socks or gloves and leave over night…in the morning you will have beautiful soft feet and hands!

Step One: Love Yourself

Love yourself enough to commit to the INSIDEOUT 30 day program to transform your life

Step Two: Peace of Mind

Change every negative thought to a positive one to create peace of mind

Step Three: Exercise

Start today walking everyday for at least half an hour and observe your surrounding as you do

Step Four: Diet

Create a balanced lifestyle diet by increasing the anti ageing foods and decreasing the age accelerators

Step Five: Meditation

Meditate between 5 minutes and 20 minutes upon waking every morning

Step Six: Sun Sense

Wear Factor 15 or higher sun block everyday on any exposed skin

Step Seven: Sleep

Make your sleeping place a haven to be enjoyed and sleep 8 hours every night

Step Eight: Breathing

Take 10 deep breaths everyday when ever you feel stressed and at the beginning of your meditation

Step Nine: Posture

Stand straight and tall and look the world right in the eye!

Step Ten: Smoking

Stop smoking today! Drink alcohol in moderation

Step Eleven: Relax

Life is meant to be fun – practice positive thinking daily!

Step Twelve: Skincare

Cleanse, tone and moisturize your face and neck every morning and night without fail

Step Thirteen: Reading

Read a book a week that is interesting and enjoyable to you

Step Fourteen: Water

Drink 8 glasses (small frame) 9 glasses (medium frame) 10 (large frame) of pure clean water every day

Step Fifteen: Yoga

Perform the 5 easy yoga exercises each day after meditating

Step Sixteen: Hands

Have a weekly manicure, wear sun block on your hands every day and wear gloves when using chemicals

Step Seventeen: Feet

Have regular pedicures, see a podiatrist and wear shoes that fit your feet perfectly

Day 18 / Step 18

G. Teeth are made for eating and yet this most important tool is often neglected.

Many humans seem to think that their teeth will just keep on staying the same after 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80 years of use.

They seem to forget that this most important tool requires care and maintenance that is if they want to keep their own natural teeth.

Once again the maintenance does not take a great deal of time –a couple of minutes every morning and night using the correct tools makes all the difference.

It amuses us that so many humans don’t even do this, when without healthy teeth and gums they won’t be able to do one of the most basic human necessities and that is to eat. All for the sake of 2 minutes every morning and night.

Such discipline is minimal to maintain your beautiful, gorgeous teeth and gums for an entire lifetime.

We believe you may need to go to a professional dentist regularly for some of this maintenance. But once again that is minimal compared to what your teeth give back to you – what they do for you every day.

Clearly white teeth are a sign of youth and the more your teeth are used over the years the more they look like they are used. But better to have your own teeth than not.

Look after your beautiful teeth as they look after you.

For now we are done until tomorrow.

Smile: and the whole world smiles with you!
D. Healthy gums and white teeth can takes years off your appearance!

When we are speaking, others do not focus on our eyes, they actually focus on our mouth (as that is what is moving) if they see yellow, stained teeth it automatically puts you into a certain age bracket. But white healthy teeth give the appearance of someone far more youthful!

Staining of teeth is not a reflection of bad brushing habits. Rather, stains occur over time, and can be a result of many different factors. Such as smoking, eating beetroot, drinking coffee, tea, red wine or coca cola are big culprits. Antibiotics and excessive fluoride can both be blamed for yellowing and old fillings can also sometimes cause the teeth to yellow.

Luckily, there are a lot of options to explore to give you a whiter, brighter and healthier looking smile. In-office procedures, home-bleaching trays, bleaching strips, pens and brush-ons are all proven to be very effective in whitening your teeth significantly. All these options range in price, but virtually anyone can find a method of whitening that is good for them. No one has an excuse to have yellow teeth anymore!

Unless you’re pregnant or nursing, almost anyone is a good candidate for whitening. If you want whiter, brighter teeth, talk to your dentist about which option he or she thinks is best for you. Depending on the color of your teeth, he or she may recommend one of the highly effective in-office procedures, or something as simple as whitening toothpaste.

You’re generally not a good candidate for whitening if your teeth are veneers, or if you have extensive bridge, crown or other dental work, as whitening gels and bleaches do not change the color of these.

The actual process of whitening is a very safe process that happens chemically. Most whitening procedures involve the use of a substance called Carbamide Peroxide. As this substance is broken down, it is oxygen that is actually breaking apart the stains, and restoring your teeth to their natural, unstained color.

Results obviously vary from person to person, and product to product. There are some products that work better than others, and each product you have to choose from can typically boast an average degree of whitening, whether it be 1-2 shades, or 9-10 shades. Your best bet is to talk to your dentist first so that together, you can figure out what kind of results you’re looking for, and pick a whitening procedure that is right for you.

Typically, your teeth will stay white for as long as 12 months. Some people boast of having white teeth years after the procedure has been performed. Most procedures will recommend a small touch-up every 4 months or so. You can avoid the foods and other substances that stained your teeth in the first place (coffee, tea, red wine, tobacco) for long lasting effects.

The most commonly complained of side effect is minor tooth sensitivity over the course of the process. This sensitivity usually ends once the treatment is complete. A few have complained of some gum discomfort or a sensitive feeling in loose fillings. If a whitening product is being overused, this can wear away at the enamel on your teeth. If you follow the instructions of your over-the-counter whitening system, or follow the direction of your dentist, side effects should be minimal.

A variety of whitening methods are on the market today, so that each individual can find the right system.

Perhaps the most effective are In-Office Whitening Procedures that are performed either by your General Dentist, or a specialized Cosmetic Dentist. These procedures, such as Brite Smile and Zoom! are generally a combination of a highly concentrated whitening gel, speeded by a specialized light. In a little over an hour, you can have teeth up to 10 shades whiter! These procedures are highly recommended in terms of effectiveness, comfort and time spent.

Your General or Cosmetic Dentist can also provide you with Take-Home Whitening Trays that are also considered very effective. Again, a specialized gel is used in a molded mouthpiece. You wear the mouthpiece for a specified amount of time each day, and most patients start to see results immediately after the first bleaching. This method is also highly effective, although a few people complain about the discomfort of the mouthpiece.

Whitening strips are a great way to whiten your teeth, if you're looking for an inexpensive method. That can whiten your teeth anywhere from 1- 4 shades. These are usually worn twice a day for 15-30 minutes at a time, and can take anywhere from 1-4 weeks.

Other over the counter products like Brush-On gels and whitening pens tend to only yield results of 1-2 shades lighter, but are very inexpensive and good for upkeep.

When your teeth are white and straight with healthy gums you will love smiling! Smiling is the quickest most effective beauty fix in the world! Smile and the whole world smiles with you!

Twice a Day for a Healthier Body

The mouth is the gateway to the body, it is a vulnerable entry point for bacteria—the same bacteria that are associated with serious conditions such as heart disease, diabetes and strokes. Dental problems can also affect overall health in subtle ways such as causing headaches, face pain, affecting sleeping patterns, appetite and mood.

Daily brushing and flossing is an absolute essential part of maintaining a healthy body and more attractive and youthful appearance. Using the correct toothbrush is vital to the long term maintenance of your gums and teeth.

Healthy gums and white, straight teeth will enhance your attractiveness and give you a more youthful appearance.

As a huge advocate of healthy white teeth and gums I have found that an electric toothbrush is the most effective tool I can use to keep the inside of my mouth looking and feeling fantastic and healthy! My teeth still feel smooth and clean when I wake up in the morning, no furry feeling anymore!

The electric toothbrush provides the ultimate cleaning experience that makes a visible difference to the look and feel of your teeth and gums.

Smile and instantly look younger! Smiling is the quickest most effective face lift in the world! The 57 muscles in the face all go upwards!

When you are speaking, if others see yellow, stained, cracked, uneven, crooked teeth it tells others that you are someone that does not care about your appearance. But straight white teeth and healthy gums show the appearance of someone who cares about the way you look and feel. You certainly would not want to kiss a mouth full of chipped, cracked, yellow stained teeth and smelly breath!

On the average children smile about 400 times day while adults only smile 15!
Smiling tightens the supporting skin connective tissue all around the mouth and cheeks,

which helps strengthen and maintain facial shape.
Smiling sends a good feeling message to the brain making you feel better!
Say cheese!

Dry Mouth

Dry mouth is caused by a variety of medical conditions and medications. Dry Mouth symptoms can be a sticky feeling in the mouth, a burning sensation on the tongue, and lips that are cracked and dry. Saliva flow is important for reasons other than appearance and comfort; it keeps the mouth moist and aids in chewing, swallowing, digestion and speech.

There are many things that can contribute to dry mouth

It can be a result of dehydration, emotional stress, anemia, or be related to surgery. It can occur in people who have medical conditions such as multiple sclerosis or diabetes, as well as those who are going through radiation therapy. Even some dental mouthwashes can cause dry mouth if they are high in alcohol content and used on a regular basis.

Gum Disease

Healthy gums do not bleed. If your gums bleed when you brush or floss then you have the first sign of gum disease. In this stage, the gums are red, swollen and bleed easily. This is called gingivitis and can be reversible through successful plaque removal, which can shrink the swollen gums and stop the bleeding.

If the plaque is not removed, the infection progresses and results in periodontal or gum disease. If untreated, the underlying gum attachment begins to breakdown, resulting in a periodontal pocket.

Tooth Sensitivity

Approximately one out of every four people has one or more sensitive teeth. Sensitivity can be described as a short sharp pain triggered by a stimulus such as cold or hot foods/beverages, sweet, sour, or acidic foods and even brushing and flossing.

People at the highest risk of dentinal sensitivity are the aggressive brushers

These people strip the gum tissue away and remove the underlying layer of the tooth root surface. Because this is very thin, it does not take much pressure to wear away this surface and expose the inner substance, dentin.

Do you have Bad Breath and don’t know it?

Bad Breath is like body odor no-one tells you!

They just stand further away from you!

It is very difficult to tell if you have bad breath. I am not talking about ‘morning breath’ that everyone has. This is a breath that no matter what you do your breath still smells. This can range from an offensive breath that can only be smelt when standing near someone to when you walk in the room and speak everyone smells it.

No! cupping your hand over your mouth and trying to smell your own breath does not work. Most breath products only mask unpleasant smells; the cause of the problem still exists. Many bad breath products contain a mixture of chemicals, which will not provide the relief you are seeking, in fact it might actually cause bad breath or the bad taste to become worse.

Many people believe that bad breath comes from the stomach, when in fact it does not except in very rare cases. The true source of the problem is a group of anaerobic sulfur producing bacteria, which live deep in the surface of the tongue and throat and sometimes the tonsils if they are present.

These bacteria react to changes in their environment by producing odorous and lousy tasting volatile sulphur compounds thus the ‘rotten egg smell’.

The conditions that trigger this reaction include a dry mouth, thick saliva, and excess mucous in the throat, post nasal drip, a diet high in proteins, smoking, and alcohol and even in mouthwash, hormonal changes and medications which have dry mouth as a side effect.

You cannot remove these bacteria by simply scraping your tongue! That is because these bacteria are classified as anaerobes (oxygen hating). They make themselves at home deep below the surface of the tongue; because they cannot live on the tongue surface (oxygen kills them).

Dry mouth even once in a while is one of the classical signs of bad breath and a sour/bitter/metallic taste. The more dry your mouth, the more chance you will have bad breath. Speaking of course dries the mouth and from the age of 25 years on, we all begin producing less saliva. Therefore there is a greater chance of producing more bad breath as we age.

Post Nasal Drip can make the problem worse as mucous contains a group of proteins that can easily be broken down into odorous sulfur compounds. Clearing your throat is a sign that you are collecting mucous and phlegm in your throat.

In many cases a white coating appears on the very back of your tongue, which is actually a collection of these sulfur compounds. If the coating starts to turn yellow, it is an indication that your problem is chronic.

If there is a problem after eating meals, it could be the reactions between the bacteria and food, which contain dense proteins like milk, cheese and red meat. Not eating, dieting and excessive exercise can cause ‘Ketosis’ that produces a very chemical type of bad breath.

During the evening bad breath is most likely due to an incremental diminishing of Oxygen in your saliva from speaking during the day; this is common to most everyone.

Some women notice a change related to their menstrual cycle, it has to do with the way hormones control the concentration of saliva.

Certain medications can prolong the problem such as antidepressants, high blood pressure, antihistamines, decongestants, female hormone, estrogens, progesterone and birth control pills.

Medications working on digestive problems as a source of bad breath are generally a waste of time because bad breath does not come from the stomach.

How do you find out without asking your best friend, “Do I have bad breath?”

Ask your dentist for a “Therabreath analysis”.

Therabreath can scientifically ascertain whether you suffer from bad breath by measuring the concentration of sulfur gases in your mouth. This is completely painless, non-invasive procedure. If the amount of sulfur is above 25 then you need treatment.

The Therabreath System” is a treatment program to completely eliminate the causes of bad breath. The Therabreath system is not an ‘over the counter’ five minute wonder, it is a scientifically proven treatment that targets the bacteria which cause bad breath.

Some even claim that using these products helps prevents the production of bad breath in their throat as they sleep. Imagine waking up in the morning with that new “love of your life” and not having to rush to the bathroom to clean your teeth fast!

Step One: Love Yourself

Love yourself enough to commit to the INSIDEOUT 30 day program to transform your life

Step Two: Peace of Mind

Change every negative thought to a positive one to create peace of mind

Step Three: Exercise

Start today walking everyday for at least half an hour and observe your surrounding as you do

Step Four: Diet

Create a balanced lifestyle diet by increasing the anti ageing foods and decreasing the age accelerators

Step Five: Meditation

Meditate between 5 minutes and 20 minutes upon waking every morning

Step Six: Sun Sense

Wear Factor 15 or higher sun block everyday on any exposed skin

Step Seven: Sleep

Make your sleeping place a haven to be enjoyed and sleep 8 hours every night

Step Eight: Breathing

Take 10 deep breaths everyday when ever you feel stressed and at the beginning of your meditation

Step Nine: Posture

Stand straight and tall and look the world right in the eye!

Step Ten: Smoking

Stop smoking today! Drink alcohol in moderation

Step Eleven: Relax

Life is meant to be fun – practice positive thinking daily!

Step Twelve: Skincare

Cleanse, tone and moisturize your face and neck every morning and night without fail

Step Thirteen: Reading

Read a book a week that is interesting and enjoyable to you

Step Fourteen: Water

Drink 8 glasses (small frame) 9 glasses (medium frame) 10 (large frame) of pure clean water every day

Step Fifteen: Yoga

Perform the 5 easy yoga exercises each day after meditating

Step Sixteen: Hands

Have a weekly manicure, wear sun block on your hands every day and wear gloves when using chemicals

Step Seventeen: Feet

Have regular pedicures, see a podiatrist and wear shoes that fit your feet perfectly

Step Eighteen: Teeth

Brush & floss your teeth twice daily, have regular dentist checkups, maintain white, straight teeth.

Have your breath analyzed by a professional dentist for bad breath

Day 19 / Step 19

G. The touch of hands is healing.

Think when you hold the hand of a loved one - a child’s hand – your grandparents - your parents – your lovers hands –when touch is secure, loving and warm it is healing.

Massage is one of the oldest and still one of the most relaxing and stimulating ways to heal the body.

Massage not only eases aches, pain and tension it also soothes a troubled mind and restores your soul.

Correct massage of your tissues will heal many physical ailments, that is why it is one of the anti ageing steps as it will help maintain your health.

Massage by another trained human being who understands your muscles and bone structure is far more rewarding than many of your think.

Please do not see massage as a luxury to have once in a lifetime. A correctly massaged body regularly will stave of many illnesses – body and mind.

Many humans have weekly massages to de-stress their uptight, over worked body…but this one hour of massage also calms their mind, creating a more peaceful, serene, happy human being.

The de-stressing of the mind and body shows up in your face and body. You will move easier when you are without pain, your face is softer, lighter and brighter when your muscles are relaxed and the mind peaceful.

God heals through the hands of many healers on earth.

Healing hands heal your body and mind.

For now we are done until tomorrow.

Massage Magic

D. The benefits of massage are extensive. The touch of healing hands is like magic as a good massage will have a therapeutic affect and improve one’s health by acting directly on the muscular, nervous, circulatory and lymphatic (immune) systems.

Many of today's health problems can benefit from massage therapy because the manipulation of soft tissues affects so many of our bodily systems.

Massage treatments aim to:

· Develop, maintain, rehabilitate or augment physical function

· Relieve or prevent physical dysfunction and pain

· Relax tight and tense muscles

· Improve circulation, recovery time and immune system function

· Reduce overall stress

Massage therapy is also effective in the control of pain chronic or acute, in stress reduction, and in creating a sense of relaxation and well-being. Prolonged periods of stress can subconsciously affect many systems of the body and aggravate, or even cause, such problems as heart disease, gastrointestinal disorders, memory loss and decreased immune function.

Massage therapy is one of the best antidotes for stress.

Massage boosts the body's immune system, which can become compromised from extended periods of stress. Tension can build up in the muscles, causing a decrease in circulation and nutrient delivery to tissues.

Manipulation of the soft tissue decreases muscular tension, increases removal of metabolic waste and promotes nutrient delivery to healing tissue. With a therapeutic massage, stress can be significantly reduced. This, in turn, will increase energy, improve your outlook on life, and in the process boost your immune system function.

Massage therapists have a dozen different techniques and complimentary therapies to keep the human body healthy, happy and balanced.

A variety of the most effective massage techniques have also been incorporated into other complementary therapies - aromatherapy, Reiki, reflexology, Rolfing, and osteopathy.

What should I expect during my first massage therapy visit?
The therapist will begin by asking you general questions to establish what areas you would like worked on, if there are any conditions needing to be addressed and to determine if massage is appropriate for you.

Where will my massage session take place?

Your massage or bodywork session will take place in a warm, comfortable, quiet room. Soft music may be played to help you relax. You will lie on a table especially designed for your comfort.

What do I wear during the massage?
Depending on the primary technique your therapist uses, you may or may not need to undress. For a full body massage, most people undress completely. However, you may choose to wear underwear. Your massage therapist will give you privacy to undress, and you will be covered with a sheet and blanket at all times except the area being worked on.

What do I do during a massage therapy treatment?
Make yourself comfortable. If your therapist wants you to adjust your position, she or he will either move you or will ask you to move what is needed. Otherwise, change your position anytime to make yourself more comfortable. Many people close their eyes and relax completely during a session; others prefer to talk. It is up to you. It is your massage, and whatever feels natural to you is the best way to relax. Do not hesitate to ask questions at any time.

How will a massage feel?
It usually depends on the techniques used. Many massage therapists use a form of Swedish massage, which is often a baseline for practitioners. In a general Swedish massage, your session may start with broad, flowing strokes (effleurage) that will help calm your nervous system and relax exterior muscle tension. As your body becomes relaxed, pressure will gradually be increased to relax specific areas and relieve areas of muscular tension. Often, a light oil or lotion is used to allow your muscles to be massaged without causing excessive friction to the skin. Do not hesitate to ask questions or mention if you feel any discomfort so that the massage therapist can use another approach or technique.

Will the massage oils used make me break-out?
Most massage therapists use hypoallergenic massage oils or lotions. However, if you have sensitivity to certain types of oils or lotion please bring it to the massage therapist's attention as most practitioners have an assortment of oils and lotions on hand.

Is a massage always appropriate?
No, there are several medical conditions that would make massage inappropriate. That's why it is necessary to discuss your health with the massage therapist to rule out if you have any contraindications to massage. It is very important that you inform the practitioner of any health problems or medications you are taking. If you are under a doctor's care, it is strongly advised that you receive a written recommendation for massage prior to any session. Your massage therapist may require a recommendation or approval from your doctor.

How long will a massage treatment last?
The average full-body massage treatment lasts approximately one hour. A half-hour appointment only allows time for a partial massage session, such as neck and shoulders, back or legs and feet. Many people prefer a 60 to 90 minute session for optimal relaxation. Always allow relaxation time prior to and after the session.

How will I feel after the massage therapy treatment?
Most people feel very relaxed. Some experience freedom from long-term aches and pains developed from tension or repetitive activity. After an initial period of feeling slowed down, people often experience increased energy, heightened awareness, and greater productivity which can last for days. Since toxins are released from your soft tissues during a massage, it is recommended you drink plenty of water following your massage.

Step One: Love Yourself

Love yourself enough to commit to the INSIDEOUT 30 day program to transform your life

Step Two: Peace of Mind

Change every negative thought to a positive one to create peace of mind

Step Three: Exercise

Start today walking everyday for at least half an hour and observe your surrounding as you do

Step Four: Diet

Create a balanced lifestyle diet by increasing the anti ageing foods and decreasing the age accelerators

Step Five: Meditation

Meditate between 5 minutes and 20 minutes upon waking every morning

Step Six: Sun Sense

Wear Factor 15 or higher sun block everyday on any exposed skin

Step Seven: Sleep

Make your sleeping place a haven to be enjoyed and sleep 8 hours every night

Step Eight: Breathing

Take 10 deep breaths everyday when ever you feel stressed and at the beginning of your meditation

Step Nine: Posture

Stand straight and tall and look the world right in the eye!

Step Ten: Smoking

Stop smoking today! Drink alcohol in moderation

Step Eleven: Relax

Life is meant to be fun – practice positive thinking daily!

Step Twelve: Skincare

Cleanse, tone and moisturize your face and neck every morning and night without fail

Step Thirteen: Reading

Read a book a week that is interesting and enjoyable to you

Step Fourteen: Water

Drink 8 glasses (small frame) 9 glasses (medium frame) 10 (large frame) of pure clean water every day

Step Fifteen: Yoga

Perform the 5 easy yoga exercises each day after meditating

Step Sixteen: Hands

Have a weekly manicure, wear sun block on your hands every day and wear gloves when using chemicals

Step Seventeen: Feet

Have regular pedicures, see a podiatrist and wear shoes that fit your feet perfectly

Step Eighteen: Teeth

Brush & floss your teeth twice daily, have regular dentist checkups, maintain white, straight teeth.

Have your breath analyzed by a professional dentist for bad breath

Step Nineteen: Massage

Incorporate a weekly massage into your routine by a trained professional therapist.

Day 20 / Step 20
Chakra Cleansing

G. Whilst these beautiful spinning lights that surround your physical body cannot be seen by the naked eye – they are very real.

Humans have several names for them but we will stay with the name that the majority use and that is ‘Chakras’.

These beautiful, colorful, swirling circles of energy and light must be kept in balance to retain your physical health both inside and outside your beautiful body.

We say your physical bodies as your chakras are in your ethereal body – the energy unseen by the naked eye that surrounds your physical body. You may understand this as you ‘aura’.

Unbalanced and blocked chakras cause your health problems that shows up as actual physical problems – but before that they started in your ethereal body. Therefore it is vital to keep your chakras cleansed, unblocked and balanced and your gorgeous aura cleansed.

The best way to re-balance your chakras and cleanse your aura is through a specific ‘chakra and aura cleansing meditation’.

The 5 yoga exercises that Denyse refers to in Step 3 rebalances and speeds up your sluggish chakras, which very quickly shows up in the physical body by you appearing physically younger with more energy, vitality and good health.

Combine this with regular cleansing meditation and your health will be restored. You will feel calmer, more relaxed, joyful, peaceful and happy – a sense of lightness and freedom will invade every cell in your body when all negativity, fear and doubt is removed from your chakras and aura,

You will quite literally feel light, bright and free.

For now we are done until tomorrow.

Anti Ageing Energy

D. Everything is made of energy!

We can send out and receive energy so long as our channels are open.

The ethereal body is the energy body that surrounds the physical body; it is an exact replica of the physical. The ethereal body is the one closest to the physical state. This field of energy can become blocked and shows up in your body as illness, but when it flows freely you will look, feel and be youthful, healthy and full of vitality.

The ethereal body has seven major energy centers which in English could be called vortexes. The word “chakra” (pronounced Shock-ra) is from the Sanskrit, the ancient language of India, and means “Wheel”. They are powerful energy fields, invisible to the eye, but quite real nonetheless.

Whilst we have dozens of chakras within and around us the seven major chakras govern the seven ductless glands in the body’s endocrine system, and the endocrine glands, in turn, regulate all of the body’s functions, including the process of ageing.

Chakras look like spinning wheels, and remind me of whirling fans with blades overlapping one another. Each chakra has a specific energy-related function.

Each chakra relates to your spiritual, emotional, mental and physical self

The chakras glow in different colors, according to the speed at which they spin. The fast spinning chakras have cool colors: shades of green, blue, indigo and purple. The slower chakras have warm colors: red, orange and yellow.

The first root chakra (red) is located at the base of the spine. On the physical level it is associated with the spine, adrenals, kidneys and colon. On an emotional level when it is blocked we feel unsupported in some area of our life, but when it is open and flowing free we feel and know that we are totally supported. Spiritually this red energy has the vitality that is used to ground our energies back into our body.

The second sacral chakra (orange) is located in the area of the lower abdomen below the navel. This is the seat of all intuition and psychic sensitivity. This feeling center is where our raw emotions are stored. Physically it is associated with the sexual organs, the spleen and the bladder. When you are not letting go of old ideas it will be become stuck, but when free flowing you know you are safe and welcome new changes as you let go of the past.

The third solar plexus chakra (yellow) is located above the navel and below the chest. This is the center of your feelings and this is where your soul answers you. This area affects the digestion and the organs of the stomach, pancreas, adrenals, liver and the gall bladder. When it is blocked you will feel fear and anger but when it is in balance you will feel joy and love.

The fourth heart chakra (green) is located in the center of the chest. This is the seat of unconditional love. The higher spiritual elements of compassion, trust, giving, receiving and nurturing are felt and the desire to serve people. Associated with the heart, thymus gland, and circulation system. When blocked this feels like all the joy is being squeezed out of your heart, but when it is open it is open to give and receive love.

The fifth throat chakra (blue) is located in the throat area. This is the center of all creative expression. Physically it directly affects the thyroid, hypothalamus, throat and the mouth. When it is blocked so to is your creativity blocked, but when it is open and flowing, your creativity also flows.

The sixth brow (indigo) chakra is located at the center of the forehead, between the eyebrows known as the third eye. When developed on a psychic level, it is used for the gift of clairvoyance. In the physical body it is associated with the ears, the pituitary gland, the pineal gland and the nose. When blocked you are fearful of hearing and/or seeing the truth of yourself and others. When it is open you see your truth and live it.

The seventh, highest crown chakra (purple) is located at the crown of the head. The center is the doorway to higher and cosmic forces. It influences the cerebral cortex and the central nervous system of the physical body. When it is blocked you have closed down your spiritual side. When open it is the seat of prayer and protection, mysticism and enlightenment.

In a healthy body, each of the chakras revolves at great speed, permitting vital life energy, called prana to flow upward through the endocrine system. But if one or more of these chakras begins to slow down, the flow of vital energy is inhibited or blocked, and – well that is just another name for ageing and ill health.

These spinning chakras extend outward from the flesh in a healthy individual, but in the sick, weak and/or old they hardly reach the surface. The quickest way to regain youth, health and vitality is to start these energy centers spinning normally again.

The higher you raise your energy life the more elevated will be your consciousness.

This can be achieved by clearing the chakras through a simple meditation and/or five yoga exercises that I personally practice each day. Any of the exercises alone is helpful, but all five are required together to achieve the best results (Step 3). I combine both physical and spiritual exercises together - the stretching and strengthening of yoga and daily cleansing of my chakras through meditation to unblock and speed up my chakras. As I believe that maintaining our health in optimum condition is not only physical it is also very spiritual.

Clean chakras glow pure with bright colors, but grow dim and muddy whenever we hold darkened thoughts such as anger or fear. Which eventually manifest in our body and show up as an illness and accelerate the physical signs of ageing.

Even if you are not quite sure if you believe in chakras and meditation, it can’t hurt to give chakra cleansing a try. This powerful meditation works quickly to cleanse and balance the charkas.

Chakra Cleansing

1 –Sit or lie in a comfortable position with your eyes closed, breathe deeply through your nose. Hold the breath momentarily, then exhale slowly though your mouth. Take another deep breath, hold it, and exhale. Continue to breathe in and out at a deep and comfortable level throughout this meditation.

2 – Focus on the root chakra located at the base of the spine. See or feel this bright red spinning fan (spinning clockwise). Take a deep breath and send the air’s energy, which is golden-white to the chakra. As you breathe in and out, more and more golden-white light surrounds your chakra.

3 – See or feel this light dissolve all dark and negative energy attached to your chakra. Now that you have released this dark and negative energy see or feel your root chakra spinning clockwise as a light, bright red spinning wheel.

4 –Now do the same process with your next chakra the sacral chakra located at your lower abdomen. This one is bright orange, clear the negativity then see it as a bright golden orange spinning clearly.

5 –Now do the same for the next chakra the solar plexus chakra situated above the naval and below the chest. Once you have cleared all darkness and unforgiveness from it, see or feel it spinning a glorious sunshine yellow spinning lightly and brightly.

6 – Continue up to your heart chakra, located in the centre of your chest. Clear all negative unloving thoughts from this chakra and replace them with loving, beautiful thoughts and a clear spinning beautiful green spinning wheel.

7 – Clear the throat chakra in the same way releasing any negative words that you may have said, and replace them with a clear spinning blue chakra at your throat.

8 - The sixth brow chakra is located between the eyebrows often referred to as the “third eye”. Clear this chakra of all closed and/or fearful thoughts. See or feel your third eye opening and this chakra spinning an amazing clear indigo color.

9 – Repeat the process with your crown chakra located at the crown; remove all blockages and thoughts of fear. Replace this chakra with thoughts of open, freedom and love. See or feel the chakra spinning a rich purple color, light, bright and free.

10 –Now that you completed the cleansing process, bring your focus back into the room, you may want to stretch or hug yourself. You will notice how light, energetic, alert, alive and refreshed you now feel.

Do this chakra cleansing meditation as often as you like (every day if you wish) or whenever you are feeling a bit sluggish, tired, and ill or down. You will feel a new lease on life, your mind will be perfectly focused and receptive to brilliant new ideas and your body will feel youthful, energetic and free and you will look lighter, brighter and more vibrant to others.

Note: You may listen to Denyse taking you step-by-step through this Chakra Cleansing Meditation, simply download the meditation on the website contact@denysesaunders.com

Step One: Love Yourself

Love yourself enough to commit to the INSIDEOUT 30 day program to transform your life

Step Two: Peace of Mind

Change every negative thought to a positive one to create peace of mind

Step Three:

Start today walking everyday for at least half an hour and observe your surrounding as you do

Step Four: Diet

Create a balanced lifestyle diet by increasing the anti ageing foods and decreasing the age accelerators

Step Five:

Meditate between 5 minutes and 20 minutes upon waking every morning

Step Six:
Sun Sense

Wear Factor 15 or higher sun block everyday on any exposed skin

Step Seven:

Make your sleeping place a haven to be enjoyed and sleep 8 hours every night

Step Eight:

Take 10 deep breaths everyday when ever you feel stressed and at the beginning of your meditation

Step Nine:

Stand straight and tall and look the world right in the eye!

Step Ten:

Stop smoking today! Drink alcohol in moderation

Step Eleven: Relax

Life is meant to be fun – practice positive thinking daily!

Step Twelve:

Cleanse, tone and moisturize your face and neck every morning and night without fail

Step Thirteen:

Read a book a week that is interesting and enjoyable to you

Step Fourteen:

Drink 8 glasses (small frame) 9 glasses (medium frame) 10 (large frame) of pure clean water every day

Step Fifteen:

Perform the 5 easy yoga exercises each day after meditating

Step Sixteen:

Have a weekly manicure, wear sun block on your hands every day and wear gloves when using chemicals

Step Seventeen: Feet

Have regular pedicures, see a podiatrist and wear shoes that fit your feet perfectly

Step Eighteen: Teeth

Brush & floss your teeth twice daily, have regular dentist checkups, maintain white, straight teeth.

Have your breath analyzed by a professional dentist for bad breath

Step Nineteen: Massage

Incorporate a weekly massage into your routine by a trained professional therapist

Step Twenty: Chakra Cleansing

Perform a Chakra Cleansing meditation at least once a week as part of your daily meditation