

1. Think it!

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves…
Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be?

Written by Marianne Williamson for Nelson Mandela speech

Have you ever just had a thought, a mere thought about someone and then they ring you or you bump into them in the street even though you have not seen them for ages?

We have all experienced this at some time or another. So what is that, we think of someone and they materialise?

It is the POWER of our MIND.The mind is not the brain; the mind is part of the unseen energy that is part of us. We as human beings are energy, a sizzling,
energetic ball of energy that moves, eats, sleeps and loves. We contract and we expand.

As our mind is energy just like the unseen radio waves, what we give out we certainly
attract back to us.

Therefore that is how we can be anything we want to be, simply by thinking a hought.
As every thought that we ever have goes out and mixes with all the other unseen energy waves. Imagine all these energy waves bouncing around the universe, colliding with each other. As a clairaudient I can hear some of these energies. They sound just like high pitched radio waves.

Who you really are is energy –
your soul is energy –
It is a ball of light.

When you choose to reincarnate onto earth,
the energy becomes denser and heavier to
work within the physical body.
Your soul is the truth of who you really are.

It finds your body tiring,
slow and cumbersome, so when you sleep,
your soul soars freely and lightly once
again among the ether to restore itself

The Goddesses

Therefore the first step in being what you want to be is having the thought. You have to first think a thing before it can become YOUR reality.

You may wonder how this thinking can make you appear physically different by perhaps losing weight, looking younger, being fitter and healthier…how this can make you a million dollars or create a loving life partner…or how it can turn your horrific experience around.

Well you first have to think what it is that you would like to be or have. Because if your mind does not know what you want, how can anyone else, including the universe?

You are probably thinking, ‘well of course I know what I want.’ But do you really though? I challenge you to answer that honestly.

The majority of humans go around and about life being influenced by their environment, such as their family and friends opinions about everything and anything. The media bombard us every which way we look from TV to radio, magazines, ipods and the internet making us think all sorts of things…but not necessarily what we really, truthfully with hand on heart what we really want.

It is more common for humans to think negative thoughts than it is to think POSITIVE thoughts.

Your mind is very powerful,
it could move mountains if that
is what you truly wanted to do.

To create positive outcomes in
your life it is vital that
you think positive thoughts

Even in your darkest hour
you must not lose faith.
Focus on what you truly desire,
not what is presenting itself
to you at the moment.

In the depth of your despair
think only of a positive outcome a
nd always give thanks for what
you have already.


Please take a moment right now and go back to when you woke up this morning. Did you jump out of bed and say “Oh what a beautiful day this is today that God gave me”, or did you wake up and think, “Oh no another day”, and then pull the blankets back over your head and try to go back to sleep, to shut out the world for just a few minutes longer?

Unless you are an extremely positive person (congratulations if you are) then your first thought would have been negative.

And then this would have continued all day, from ‘oh it is raining’ to ‘no milk for my coffee’ to ‘I can’t stand that TV or radio presenter’ to ‘how sad another murder last night on this mornings news’…and so it goes on and on all day until back to bed when it is ‘thank goodness that day is over, I can now go to sleep’.

Combined with family, friends, work colleagues, media, even billboards bombard our senses today, when do you actually have time to think your own thoughts that are not being influenced by outside forces?

So as you see you may think you are thinking your own thoughts, but actually you are being INFLUENCED by others, all the time, all day, every day.

Therefore the very first thing to do to be able to create what you really desire in your life and your looks, is to have the THOUGHT of what it is that you really want.

Because if you don’t take control of YOUR OWN THOUGHTS and start directing the way you want them to go, you will end up attracting the very things that you do not want.

We rejoice with great enthusiasm as we
remind you that you are the creator
of your own life.

Through your thoughts sending out your
vibration to the universe of attraction.
Like a magnet the universe responds to
your vibrational match of thoughts
and delivers that to you.

Think positive, you will attract positive.
Think negative, you will attract negative.

The Goddesses

And that very experience that is currently showing up in your life will only continue or get worse, if you keep focusing on it. So regardless how horrific the bad experience that you had and it still haunts you or you are currently experiencing, do not focus on it, never think about it, file it away, it does not belong in your mind anymore and only think about what you really want.

THINK, in your perfect world – how would it be?

As you are going to be and are thinking all day, every day, you might as will think the thoughts that will create YOUR DESIRED life and looks.

Thoughts are one of the MOST POWERFUL forces in the universe; they literally create your life. Think of your thoughts like a huge giant magnet. Your thoughts go out into the universe and are attracted as a magnet to other thoughts that are like your thoughts.

For instance you are thinking of a person and because they are thinking of you, bang the energy thought waves connect and then create the physical reality by bumping into each otherin the street. Whether you realise it or not you created that meeting.

THOUGHTS are SO powerful they create the state of your health, the way you look, walk, act, speak, sing, dance…everything first must come from thought.

As a swirling ball of energy with this magnetic force creating what ever you think about, it is important for you to TAKE CONTROL of your thoughts. As why in the world would you want to allow others thoughts about anything to influence you, when you have a perfectly good mind to think your OWN thoughts?

Here is a perfect example of the power of positive thinking.

As the agent and manager of one of my protégées Adelle Kenny, who was competing in Miss World in London.

At the beginning of the three week competition I stayed in London for the three days that Adelle went to Sweden with the other Miss World contestants, where part of their points went towards the final judge’s points.

I was waiting at the London Hilton Hotel for Adelle to return when she walked in looking sad and dejected – not her usual bright, sparkling, beautiful self. Instantly I knew I had to get to work and change her thoughts about herself.

While she was away for those three days with all these beautiful girls from around the world, some of whom where perfect in every way due to cosmetic surgery. Adelle felt she didn’t have a chance with her natural looks and that they were all more beautiful than her.

Which of course was not true, even though Adelle was the youngest contestant and completely natural in every way, she was not only tall, statuesque and strikingly beautiful on the outside, she was truly beautiful on the inside which always shines through in anyone that has true beauty from within. But she had forgotten that.

So I gently reminded her of her natural beauty and talent and reinforced that she is a winner and just as good as anyone else. The song that I used to get her to sing when I was training her and reminded her to sing again at the top of her voice in the shower to start the day of right was the powerful, motivating song Tina Turners Simply the Best!

I kept this up for the three weeks we spent in London, reinforcing her belief in herself – so she didn’t have time for any negative thoughts, only positive thoughts about how she would be as a winner.

Being feminine does not mean giving your power away.
Being feminine means being powerful, strong, loving,
compassionate and sensual.

Stand straight and tall with the inner strength
of a she warrior. The power to attract and
manifest all that your desire.

You are this.
This is your ability.

Enjoy your beauty, your loving heart,
your strength, your power, your sensuality,
your gift from God lies in
being a woman.

The Goddesses

The final night came as a glamorous up market event at the London Palladium. I was seated behind the judges next to Miss Venezuela’s dentist and manager.

Before they announce the final winners, Eric Morley announces the five winners from each continent. Adelle won the Queen of Asia and Oceania.

Drum roll…everyone holds their breath… then the announcements are made… Eric Morley announced the five top finalists out of 85 contestants. Adelle was one of them. I was so proud of her.

Then came the countdown for the winners.

First though the points from Sweden were read out for all of us in the audience to hear, as they were tabulated with the judges points in London. And that is when I knew!

Whilst Adelle had the highest points from the London judges, her points were low from the Swedish judges. Adelle won 3rd runner-up which in itself is an amazing achievementand one to be proud of at 17 years.

Nothing had changed from Sweden to London – except how she THOUGHT about herself.

“I and a lot of other people I know have always striven to become as successful, respected and admired as Denyse is. She is a role model and mentor to many. Denyse built up my confidence, made me believe in myself, encouraged, supported and inspired me.
Not only did she show me how to look good on the outside, hair, clothes, skincare, makeup etc
She taught me everything I need to know to succeed in life, that true beauty comes from within and that I have the power within myself.”

Adelle Kenny
Miss World 3rd runner-up 1990,
Beauty Queen of Asia and Oceania 1990, International Model

The power of positive thinking is very powerful indeed.

In fact it really is very exciting, don’t you think?
Now that you know that you are completely in charge of your own destiny.

CREATING IT SIMPLY BY THINKING. How wonderful. How delicious. What could
be easier than thinking, we do it all the time anyway.

God gave us this wonderful tool to create. So let’s use it and harness it so that we can be the very best that we choose to be.

We have all walked into a room and without anyone saying anything; you could cut the air with a knife.

So how did you know that things weren’t right, no one said anything, yet you could FEEL it? What you are feeling is the thought, energy emanating from one or more people in the room and if their negativity is strong and if it is combined with strong emotion then it will permeate the entire room.

However if you are equally passionate and THINKING and FEELING POSITIVE you can turn the feeling of the room around, simply by thinking positive thoughts which will change the energy in the room.

Alternatively have you stood in the presence of a powerfully positive human being, one that projects that indefinable X–Factor? That unseen feeling, but we all know they have it. These people totally BELIEVE in themselves and their powerful positive thoughts rub off onto others wherever they go.

Positive attracts positive. Negative attracts negative.

So no matter what terrible, horrific, catastrophic thing is either currently happening to you or happened in your past – give it NO MORE THOUGHT!

Understand it for what it is – an experience that you had or are having. It was or is not a test or a lesson to see how good a person you are, it was something that you simply experienced.

That experience DOES NOT DEFINE YOU. It is NOT WHO YOU ARE – unless YOUR THINKING makes it so.

CHANGE YOUR THOUGHT about that experience from negative to positive – if you can’t do that then DON’T THINK ABOUT IT AT ALL - EVER!

It is past – it is over – it is gone – that was yesterday and now today is about creating how you want your life to be tomorrow.

Your past does not define you!

Whilst one fleeting negative thought won’t hurt or harm you. But if you keep up a negative thought for some time or worse still an entire lifetime because you have a grudge against someone (that you just can’t let go). Unfortunately you do not harm them, you HARM YOURSELF and eventually it will manifest and show in your face and body. Either as an illness or by aging you, these are very real physical changes both inside and outside of your body.

What you THINK, you BECOME!

Try a little test on yourself, first for one day, then for one week. Turn every negative thought you have into a POSITIVE one. You possibly believe this cannot be done, but it can, and it really is very easy once you start. It is like the game that Pollyanna played, ”I’m glad…” (In 1913, Eleanor Hodgman Porter wrote the children’s classic about ‘Pollyanna’ that received immediate praise and success. The orphaned Pollyanna arrives in Beldingsville to live with her harsh and dutiful maiden aunt. All soon feel her effect as she enlivens everyone with her cheerful and infectious optimism. The sad, the lonely, the sick, and the obnoxious all become enamoured of this girl’s enthusiasm and zeal. One young girl turned an entire community around with her POSITIVE thoughts and words).

One person can make a huge difference.

I have always been a bit of a Pollyanna (it was my favourite movie as a child), I tend to always see the best in others and the positive in every experience, even during the direst times in my life. It is one of the secrets to my success – simply being glad about even the smallest thing at any given moment, as there is always something, no matter how small to be glad and grateful for.

When you start to play the “I’m glad and grateful game…” you will start to feel so much better about yourself and your surroundings, and then you will quite literally start to see physical changes in yourself, by the way you sit, stand, walk and talk.

Also try giving up reading or watching or listening to anything negative for one week. Do not participate in gossip about others, do not read nasty tabloid style magazines, and do not yell at your spouse, the children, the cat or the dog.

Think only POSITIVE thoughts about everyone and everything in your life for one whole week, especially think POSITIVE thoughts about YOURSELF. Do not berate yourself for the way you look, or what you said, or did last week, last year or last lifetime.

I challenge you to challenge yourself, just for ONE WEEK; after all, what is one week out of an entire lifetime?

Others will start wondering what is going on, first they may feel threatened by all this positive talk, but then they will appreciate it and then they will see actual physical changes in your face and body,

At the end of this week, take yourself away for a couple of hours of absolute quiet time. Whether that is first thing in the morning before anyone else gets up or in the middle of the day sitting by the beach or in your favourite chair or late at night when everyone else has gone to bed. Simply TAKE some TIME for YOURSELF.

Then start asking yourself what it is that you REALLY, TRULY want in your life. The way YOU want to live, how YOU want to feel, who YOU want to spend time with, the looks YOU desire, what is important to YOU, what YOU want to achieve. How YOU want to live…this is YOUR time to simply sit and THINK!

Ten Point Plan

First step: Think it!
What you think you will become and attract